“The Future of Railroads: Safety, Workers, Community & the Environment” is the title of two back-to-back conferences; the first on Saturday, March 14, 2015 in Richmond, California; the second on Saturday, March 21 in Olympia, Washington.

Everyday a tragic trail derailment occurs, often transporting highly flammable Bakken Shale or Tar Sand, from North Dakota or Alberta, to refineries across North America. The 47 -- preventable-- deaths in Lac-Mégantic has wakened people to the dangers of oil trains and the movement of trains in general through their communities. Environmental activists are up-in-arms about the amounts of fossil fuels moving by rail. Farmers and other shippers are concerned about the congestion that has occurred in recent months, but in part to the oil boom. The rail networks in the U.S. and Canada and clogged with crude-by-rail, displacing the already heavy traffic of grains headed to port for export.
The public generally has no idea what goes on daily on America’s railroads. Chronic crew fatigue, single employee train crews, excessively long and heavy trains, draconian availability policies, short staffing, limited time off work create challenging safety issues of concern not just to railroaders, but to the entire population.
Please join us at this cutting edge conference that brings together railroad workers, environmentalists, community activists and concerned workers from other sectors, in order to build the movement for a safer and greener railroad, on that is more responsive to the needs of workers, trackside communities, citizens in general, and society as a whole.
Richmond is a perfect confluence for this conference as it has always been a company town, first for Santa Fe Railroad as the western terminus of its transcontinental railroad in 1900, then for Standard Oil (later becoming Chevron) in 1901 and its massive refinery complex, and again for Kaiser Industries with its four assembly line-like shipyards in the late 1930s through World War II. From 1910 until 1959 the Pullman Company located its largest West Coast rail car repair shop adjacent to the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe lines in the center of Richmond. It also fronts the San Francisco Bay with access to a channel of 40-60 feet deep, allowing the largest seagoing ships (mostly oil tankers these days) to call its ports. Despite still being the location of the Burlington Northern Sante Fe rail yard and Chevron's massive refinery, Richmond is a bottomed out deindustrialized city that puts its largely working class people of color population in the toxic shadow of oil, chemical and other polluting heavy industries.
In adjacent cities of Rodeo there is the Conoco Phillips Refinery, Benecia has Valero Refinery, and Martinez has both Shell and Tesoro Refineries (the latter currently on strike). They are served by both BNSF and Union Pacific Railroads and maritime wharfs. This area along the San Francisco and San Pablo Bays is statistically known as a "cancer cluster."
Members of the Empire Logistics/Global Supply Chains Study Group will facilitate the following workshop:
● Energy Supply Chain Inquiry
Interactive workshop where all participants will brainstorm ways for solidarity to flow through the various working class sectors down the chains – and model ways for strikes and direct action to spread from the point of extraction to the point of consumption, including the communities where the energy commodities pass through. All necessary materials (maps of rail lines, rail yards, ports & refineries; flowcharts of fossil fuel supply chains; etc.) will be provided.
Other workshops will be:
- ● Railroading 101
Single Employee Train Crews
Importance of Teamwork & Crew Fatigue
The Problem with Long & Heavy Trains
- ● Environmentalism 101
Climate Change & Crude-by-Rail 101
Political Ecology 101
- ● Solutionary Rail: A vision for electrified higher-speed rail
If you'd like to participate in either the Richmond or Olympia conference, you can register online:
- for Richmond click: here
- for Olympia click: here
For more information, see the website at www.RailroadConference.org
So how did it go?
So how did it go?
S. Artesian wrote: So how did
S. Artesian
See the report-back moved here.
Hey, H, this sounds great! Do
Hey, H, this sounds great! Do you think you'd want to publish your post as a report back? Reckon it'd be good to share this stuff more widely..
See the new post on the
See the new post on the Empire Logistics blog.
Yeah, I just meant as an
Yeah, I just meant as an Empire Logistics blog post (I assumed you were involved with that some how, sorry if not)..
Quote: Report on (Richmond,
Quote: All of this reflects
Well, you have a problem when you say something like that-- and the problem is demonstrating the proof of your assertion. The empirical data since 1981 gives credence to exactly the opposite view, which free market political economists are quick to point out-- that in fact railroads have become much safer after the Staggers Act (and the recovery from the double dip recession) deregulated railroads and triggered an increase in profits.
Railroads are, by any measure, much much safer than they were 30 years ago, despite the reduction in crew sizes, despite longer and heavier trains. If anybody had data to the contrary, I'd love to see it.
We can confront railroad owners about lots of things-- but claiming that safety is ignored is not the strongest card to play.
Most railroaders are the
Most railroaders are the first to point out that the Lac-Mégantic disaster happened on the Montreal, Maine & Atlantic (MMA) railroad, a small fry carrier that was notorious for underinvestment, lack of maintenance, and staff cutbacks. I doubt that you'd see Class I railroads neglect their capital investments in the same way.
Here's an interesting analysis of Lac-Mégantic, called The Big Problem with Letting Small Railroads Haul Oil.
This NPR podcast from Fresh Air called "The Risk Of Transporting Oil By Train" interviews Marcus Stern; together with his New York Tims op-ed (March 12, 2015), called "Dangerous Trains, Ageing Rails," they both point out that:
[quote=Marcus Stern]New hydraulic fracturing technology has allowed oil developers to tap vast amounts of deeply buried oil in parts of North Dakota, Montana and Canada. WIthout significant new pipeline capacity, the only way to get the oil to refineries is by train. Rail car shipments of crude oil rose from 9,500 in 2008 to more than 400,000 last year [2014].[/quote]
Compare Class I to small mom-and-pop railroads for ratio of accidents over time (see original graphic with these stats):
Yep, but lack of investment
Yep, but lack of investment had nothing to do with Lac-Megantic. Violation of "industry-norms," the usual way trains are handled had everything to do with it. You can read the details of the accident and the violations on the Transportation Safety Board of Canada's website.
Simple fact of the matter is that the locomotive engineer, operating as a single person crew, did not apply any, not a single handbrake to any of the tank cars his train was hauling, when he left the train on the main line. In addition, he shut down all the locomotives except the lead unit to supply air pressure to the locomotive air brakes. However, the unit he left running was spewing diesel out the exhaust stack-- circumstances that require the shut-down of that specific locomotive to prevent a fire. The engineer knew that lead locomotive was spewing oil and had reported it to the train dispatcher.
I detest the corporate ethos, and the individuals around the parent of MMA, Railworld, probably more than most, but still, employees have responsibilities in this business. Anybody who thinks the operating rules of a railroad are all about being able to blame the employees simply does not know what he or she is talking about; does not know the evolution of operating rules and train control systems.
Yes, fracked oil shipments have skyrocketed-- but only one production area has provided the oil that has been involved in the overwhelming majority of explosions- Bakken crude in North Dakota.
This oil is so "light," has so much natural gas and natural gas condensates dissolved in it that it is actually more volatile than gasoline, and I can't remember in over 30 years in the industry, ever having gasoline shipped by rail.
As a matter of fact, the North Dakota state regulatory authority has ordered that Bakken crude be stabilized-- reducing the volatility by removing gases-- before shipment. Texas' Eagle Ford and Permian shale have been stabilized prior to shipment as mandated by state law ever since production was initiated. No explosions after derailment have been noted involving oil from these two fields.
However, the issue of rail safety is far broader and deeper than the hauling of Bakken crude. In every category, rail safety in the US has improved dramatically over the last 30 years. For example, the rate of hazardous materials releases (incidents per train mile) is now 1/10th what it was 30 years ago. The problem is we're now running 30,000 car-loads of hazardous materials every week.
But in terms of derailments, collisions, fatalities-- rail safety has been an area of remarkable improvement.
We have to know what we're talking about here. Nothing gives us a pass when it comes to knowing the empirical data of what is actually going on.
Fair enough, but the railroad
Fair enough, but the railroad engineers and conductors are referring to conditions that are not just limited to a single industry. And it's also not limited to certain industries, heavy or otherwise, as it's a trend within capitalism to maximize the extraction of surplus value at the expense of working class human beings.
For railroaders, from our first-hand discussions with them, the main negative effects of safety on the railroads are due to crew fatigue from random schedules and complete disruption of healthy sleep cycles. As was pointed out in the conference report-back, this applies in exactly the same way to refinery and power plant workers. I just started reading Ted Genoways' The Chain: Farm, Factory, and the Fate of Our Food last night and already within the first few pages one reads of immigrant Hormel meat processing workers who make Spam in Austin, MN who faced a speed up from 1,000 to 1,300 hogs butchered per hour. The sensationalized result the author presents: an index finger cut off by a saw. As the work process intensifies, either through irregular as-needed schedules or literal speed-ups, the toll is the same. Just read up on the quotas for pickers at Amazon distribution centers or the inhuman work pace at the new VW plant in Chattanooga, TN. Or how some industries reward workers for not reporting workplace injuries with blame-the-worker safety programs, even going so far as offering prizes like gift certificates, watches, jackets with safety logos, wall clocks and other crap as rewards for stretches without accidents.
Even though at-grade accidents by trains are going down (if they actually are), killing one person stuck at a crossing is one too many. Every single engineer and conductor at the conference had hit cars or people at crossings. One retired BNSF engineer had been in 18 of these accidents during his worklife. He said the last one threw him into deep depression, bordering on PTSD. All other railroaders had similar horror stories. Not every small town even has crossbucks, lights or crossing gates, light years away from solutions like the $2.4 billion it took to eliminate just under 200 at-grade crossings with the Alameda Corridor that connects the LA/Long Beach port complex with rail yards east of downtown LA. There are still thousands of these dangerous unprotected crossings all over North America.
And the DOT 111 tank cars presently being used for transporting crude were designed in the 1960s for materials like corn syrup, wax and tallow, not for any kind of crude oil or flammable liquids. Even the 1232 tank cars -- also known as DOT 111s with 5-mile-an-hour bumpers -- are exploding during derailments. The shale and tar sands boom has thrown all caution to the wind. Something incompetent is going on here.
Capitalist conditions are felt by the rank-and-file directly, regardless of what statistics the industry or government regulatory agency churn out.
The post I referred to
The post I referred to claimed
FRA maintains extensive and intensive databases on accidents, injuries, collisions, derailments fatalities. That data indicates dramatic improvements in railroad operating safety. Having worked in the freight rail industry, I know about working the extra board, and being subject to "call" 24 hours a day.
Attempts are being made to mitigate crew fatigue-- how effective they are we'll see in years ahead.
My original point is, and remains, to claim safety in railroad operations has been degraded by 1) longer trains 2) heavier trains 3) reduced crews 4) the need for increased profits is refuted by the actual operating safety performance of US railroads in the past 30 years.
Let me give you an example. I read an article where a locomotive engineer claimed that the increased derailments of crude-by-rail (CBR) trains was a product of railroad management drive to economize on the use of fuel and avoid controlling the train speed by using the automatic air brakes, instead utilizing the train dynamic braking-- where the traction motors that propel the train are essentially used like gears, downshifting, and instead of applying current to generate motion, motion is used to generate current, and the electrical current is dissipated as heat. The train's own resistance is used to decelerate.
This, according, to the author, creates excessive in-train (called "draft") forces, also called "slack action" which makes the train unstable and facilitates derailment.
Sounds plausible, particularly to those who know nothing about locomotives, in-train forces, and the causes of derailments. And sounds plausible to those who don't realize that every locomotive used in main line service is equipped with an event recorder that tracks throttle position, air braking, dynamic braking, train speed, traction motor currents etc. etc.
All of which means, we can evaluate the claim that railroad management's "drive to economize" and requirement for the use of dynamic braking has increased the likelihood of derailment.
We know it played no role in the Lac Megantic tragedy. From the information available, it did not play a role in either derailment in North Dakota, one of which led to an explosion and fire, and one didn't. I'd love to see an event recorder download that shows the derailment caused by use of the dynamic brake setting up a "harmonic" that leads to derailment.
The point is before we make claims, we better be relying on data, and not ideology. Otherwise, you look like a fool. And the rank and file will recognize that in a heartbeat.
Is this the account by an
Is this the account by an engineer you're referring to?
Bubba Brown
Jon Flanders, who was at the conference, used Bubba Brown's account in an article in Counterpunch called "Listen to the Workers: Exploding Trains and Crude Oil."
The Ideas and Action report-back, and my own on the Empire Logistics blog, are based on hearing these accounts first-hand from hogheads and other rank-and-file railroad workers at the conference.
Twenty-six years ago today
Twenty-six years ago today the Exxon Valdez ran aground on Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound in Alaska, spilling 257,000 barrels of crude into pristine nature -- and it spread over 1,300 miles of coastline and killed over 250,000 birds and other species. The cause?
Here's one account:
Ditto for the railroad industry. You can't safely have fewer workers doing more work while chronically fatigued, operating longer and heavier trains, carrying highly explosive Bakken crude, without creating recipes for disaster that are the fiery railroad equivalent of the Exxon Valdez.
Ten years ago yesterday (March 23, 2015), the BP Refinery in Texas City, TX exploded, killing 15 workers. The causes?
• BP had cut the budget for training and reduced staff
• corporate cost-cutting, a failure to invest in the plant infrastructure, a lack of corporate oversight on both safety culture and major accident prevention programs, a focus on occupational safety and not process safety, the inadequate training of operators, a lack of competent supervision for start-up operations, poor communications between individuals and departments and the use of outdated and ineffective work procedures which were often not followed
These accidents -- in rail, maritime, refining, meatpacking, heavy industry, distribution, etc., etc. -- are the industry norms, not exceptions.
Here's an interesting account by labor writer Steve Early, called "Future Blast Zones? How Crude-By-Rail Puts U.S. Communities At Risk," about the dangers in Richmond, California.
Yes, that's the account
Yes, that's the account (about CBR derailments) I'm referring to. If you look at the data available, the accident reports generated by the NTSB investigating the derailments that have caused DOT 111 tank car ruptures, dynamic braking is not the cause of the derailment-- broken rails under movement, flooding and wash-out of the track bed, derailment of a passing train with those cars striking the tank cars of the train on the adjacent track etc. etc., but I've found no indications that dynamic braking set up a dangerous harmonic that caused the derailment.
Fatigue is a serious issue and FRA recently instituted new regulations in an attempt at mitigation. We can claim that such regulations are "inadequate," but I'd urge a bit of caution. FRA regulations have proven very effective in reducing causes of accidents.
To argue, however, that longer, heavier trains are a threat to safety is amply refuted by the railroad operating performance over the last 30 years.
NTSB maintains a database of rail accident investigations on its website http://ntsb.gov/investigations/AccidentReports/Pages/railroad.aspx. Worth looking at.
Safe the rail, won't you safe
Safe the rail, won't you safe the rail.
