Ronald I. Kowalski's doctoral thesis on left communism in Russia, Poland, Latvia and Lithuania. Copied to clipboard Attachments THE DEVELOP~~ENT OF _LEFT Cot1~AUNISW' UNTIL 1 '_121 - SOVIET RUSSIA, POLAND, LATVIA AND LITHUANIA.pdf (14.58 MB) left communism Ronald I. Kowalski Comments Thanks for this, looks really Thanks for this, looks really interesting. Thanks Iskra. Thanks Iskra.
The Left Communist Movement of 1918 - Ronald I. Kowalski An analysis by academic, Kowalski, on the early internal party opposition in the Bolshevik Party by the communist left, against the signing of Brest Litovsk agreement with Germany.
Malaquais, Jean, 1908-1998 A biography of the writer, communist, and "stateless person", Jean Malaquais.
Doctrine of the body possessed by the devil - Amadeo Bordiga Bordiga's critique of state-planned socialism from the radical position of the Italian communist left.
Fundamental Theses of the Party - Amadeo Bordiga At the Lyons Congress of the Communist Party of Italy in 1926, shortly before the Communist International adopted the theory of "socialism in one…
Towards the establishment of workers' councils in Italy (1920) Amadeo Bordiga's contribution to a programme of setting up workers' councils in Italy as a way of surpassing the reformist trade unions.
1914-1946: Third camp internationalists in France during World War II An outstanding article by Pierre Lanneret, describing the activities of internationalists during…
Thanks for this, looks really
Thanks for this, looks really interesting.
Thanks Iskra.
Thanks Iskra.