An anarchist FAQ

Submitted by Sleeper on November 13, 2015

Hi can someone point me towards the latest version of the anarchist FAQ. Also some recent history would be appreciated too.



8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by no1 on November 14, 2015

if you use Debian (or a Debian-derived Linux distro like Ubuntu or Mint), you should be able to install it using :

sudo apt-get install anarchism


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Anarcho on November 14, 2015

Aye, not updated it recently... need to find the time to revise the various appendices (and finish the one on the Russian revolution). Shame I need to work for a living :)


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on November 14, 2015


Aye, not updated it recently... Need to find the time to revise the various appendices (and finish the one on the Russian revolution). Shame I need to work for a living :)

definitely! You should try to crowd fund your time to do it, and go part-time at the day job!


8 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Sleeper on November 14, 2015


if you use Debian (or a Debian-derived Linux distro like Ubuntu or Mint), you should be able to install it using :

sudo apt-get install anarchism

Thank you comrade.

Vlad The Inhaler

5 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Vlad The Inhaler on February 4, 2019

Does anyone have a link to the 15.1 pdf, mobi or epub?


4 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by explainthingstome on September 16, 2019

I wouldn't mind having a page on libcom where all the chapters of An Anarchist FAQ can be read individually instead of having it all on the same place.

At best the current places to read the FAQ is divided into sections for example called "Section A: What is Anarchism?" or "Section B: Why do anarchists oppose the current system?" But even then you have too much stuff on the page. I mean Section A is 105 pages long, that's way too much!

The solution is to divide the FAQ into four sections and not just two. For example, you click on "An Anarchist FAQ". Then you click on "Section B: Why do anarchists oppose the current system? Then you click on "B.1 Why are anarchists against authority and hierarchy?" And then you click on "B.1.1 What are the effects of authoritarian social relationships?"

I think that this would make people more willing to read the FAQ.


4 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Reddebrek on September 17, 2019

We're working on an audio version

Authored on
November 13, 2015