MDF Mtg Sheffield Sat 6th Feb 2016

Submitted by Spikymike on January 18, 2016

The next Midlands Discussion Forum meeting will be in central Sheffield on Saturday the 6th of February from 2pm till 6pm
upstairs at the Rutland Arms Pub, 86 Brown Street, Sheffield, S1 2BS just a short walk from the central railway and bus stations.
The subject will be 'The Left and the Working Class - ideology and practice in both opposition and power - a critical perspective'' There will be a short introduction looking at this from an internationalist perspective both historically and currently with plenty of time for discussion.
Past participants at these forums have come from a wide spectrum of political backgrounds including anarchists, Left and council communists, autonomist marxists, spgb, and dissident trotskyists amongst others, but anyone with a critical approach will find a welcome at these meetings.


8 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on January 25, 2016

Just a reminder of this meeting on the 6th Feb.
My personal views on what left-wing political ideology boils down to if expressed a bit simplistically hasn't changed very much since my comrades wrote this years ago: but then many of us started out identifying as left-wing and even when we denied it our workmates would still describe us as such. On top of that there is the complicated historical evolution of radical and revolutionary ideas and practice still generally understood as shifting back and forth along a left-right spectrum, so that some of us can still identify our roots in earlier movements that originated and described themselves as left variants of organisations long gone. In the day to day practice of the class struggle we inevitably have to work with many people who's ideology we might otherwise criticise and oppose, but times change and to move forward it's important to understand that what might have been radical or even revolutionary in the past can become a barrier to progress in both the present and the future.


8 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on February 1, 2016

Next Saturday the 6th feb now - all welcome.