KKK Rally Violence in Anaheim -- White supremacists stab protestors with flag poles. Protestors beat shit out of em

Submitted by infektfm on February 28, 2016


“They started pulling out weapons,” Buenorostro said of the Klansmen. “One of them had the flag, the American flag, with the pointed top and I think that's what got my friend. It's a serious wound. It wasn't like the blood was dripping out. It gushed out of him.”

And check out this video

Notice the red and black flag


8 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Sike on March 1, 2016

Apparently, the Anaheim police have deemed that the actions of the Klan members constituted self-defense and have released without charge all of those Klan members who had been arrested following the altercation. Meanwhile, a number of anti-racist counter-protesters who were arrested after the altercation continue to be held on various charges with bail amounts reportedly set at around 50 thousand dollars per individual. Perhaps the most bizarre charge that some of the counter-protesters are facing is that of elder abuse as it appears that some the fascist bastards just happened to be old fascist bastards. In any case a fund has been established by Copwatch Santa Ana to help pay the medical and legal costs of the counter-protesters who were injured or jailed.

Donate to Antifas who stood up to KKK in Anaheim!

Facebook page of Santa Ana Copwatch

Joseph Kay

8 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on March 1, 2016

Reportedly a cop witnessed a stabbing, and immediately attacked the stab victim, letting the KKK guy walk away with the knife:


8 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Sike on March 1, 2016

Joseph Kay

Reportedly a cop witnessed a stabbing, and immediately attacked the stab victim, letting the KKK guy walk away with the knife:

As unfortunate as that is it is hardly surprising. Certainly it would not be the first time in the post-civil rights era that the police in America have sided with the Klan against left-leaning activists and people of color.



8 years ago

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Submitted by Sike on June 26, 2016

At least five people (Well, at least four people and one fascist, apparently) have been stabbed at a neo-nazi rally today at the California capitol in Sacramento.


Apparently, the fash rally was organized by a group calling itself the "Traditionalist Worker Party". Here is a profile of their founder.


8 years ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on June 26, 2016

I just read about that, but I couldn't tell if the descriptor anarchist referred to actual anarchists or just to violent lefties.


8 years ago

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Submitted by jesuithitsquad on June 27, 2016


At least five people (Well, at least four people and one fascist, apparently) have been stabbed at a neo-nazi rally today at the California capitol in Sacramento.


Apparently, the fash rally was organized by a group calling itself the "Traditionalist Worker Party". Here is a profile of their founder.

Good old Matthew Heinbach. He gained some minor notoriety recently when he was caught on camera pushing around an African-American woman at a Trump rally.

Authored on
February 28, 2016