Stupid Stuff I've Heard At Bus Stops (Mainly Racist/Xenophobic)

Submitted by fidel gastro on April 6, 2016

Also disturbing. I live in Kent in South-East England and hear this sort of thing alot, and it's usually on the bus or while waiting for one. And no I didn't make any of this up.


"I've been to a BNP Rally. Theres Slovaks everywhere. If something isn't done about this then we must all vote BNP."


"I go up that street where theres loads of foreigners. Somethings happened to my family and they know it and they keep talking about it in their foreign talk. They keep insulting me and saying nasty stuff. They do it all the time"

"Only foreigners. They're animals. They're not human They should be put on another planet. They are thieves"

"I'd kill them if I could. I've actually thought about stabbing them"

"Farage is right about alot of things, even though he's been degraded."

"Hitler had some good ideas but he went too far"

"All politicians are liars"

"I'd like to be a politician."


"I served in Northern Ireland- the best thing you can do with the Irish is shoot 'em"

"I got in the ring with a big black black fella. I knocked him out with one punch"

"Men that are brought up by men are alright but if they're brought up by their mothers they are soft- they need hardening up"

"You're Dad's the one who you follow. Who inspires you, you don't listen to you're mum."

"Oh no, you've gotta play the game."


"The Slovaks have got everything. They've got all the clothes with names on. They've got all of that street, all the homes. They've got all the phones."

"99.9% of people feel like I do"

"The rich work for it."

"They're taking all our jobs"

"They're taking all the benefits."

"They're putting a strain on the sewage system."


"I'm fed up with all these foreigners taking all of our fuckin' money. I know how I'm voting in the referendum. I'll vote to leave the EU so they stop sending em' over here."


Man holding a can of beer and dressed entirely in camo combat gear-when seeing the word Antifa daubed on a wall-

"Antifada! Antifada! Do you know what that means? Do you know what that means? Holy war! Holy War!"

The Pigeon

8 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by The Pigeon on April 6, 2016

That's pretty bad worst I've heard on the bus is a Southern man defending the Confederate flag outspokenly.


8 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by radicalgraffiti on April 6, 2016

i remember someone on the bus saying that if a planed mosque got built it'd get burnt down


8 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by freemind on April 6, 2016

Was watching the United match last wknd and this Irish bloke calls Chris Smalling a Black bastard.I challenged him and he said he wasn't racist but he was in prison with a Black guy and "they have harder heads than whites"
Fuckin moron!
Every second person seems to expect you to be a racist.I mentioned that I preferred Bedford to Luton for a night out today and the woman replied "I know it's spot the white man"
What a waste of breath :-(

fidel gastro

8 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by fidel gastro on April 6, 2016

The Pigeon

That's pretty bad worst I've heard on the bus is a Southern man defending the Confederate flag outspokenly.

I recently saw a black guy wearing a bomber jacket with a confederate flag patch on the arm. Had to look again to see if my eyes were deceiving me, they were not.

jef costello

8 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on April 6, 2016

red and black riot

The Pigeon

That's pretty bad worst I've heard on the bus is a Southern man defending the Confederate flag outspokenly.

I recently saw a black guy wearing a bomber jacket with a confederate flag patch on the arm. Had to look again to see if my eyes were deceiving me, they were not.

He probably feels very strongly about states' rights...


8 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by jura on April 6, 2016

red and black riot

"The Slovaks have got everything. They've got all the clothes with names on. They've got all of that street, all the homes. They've got all the phones."

Say what? :D

fidel gastro

8 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by fidel gastro on April 6, 2016


Every second person seems to expect you to be a racist.

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. It really fucks me off the way they just expect you to agree with them and that they think coming out with such ignorant hateful bigotry is acceptable.

Authored on
April 6, 2016