Preserving redundant blogs/tumblrs

Submitted by Steven. on April 10, 2016

So I was thinking it would be a good idea for us to archive copies of anarchist/libcom blogs/tumblrs etc which are no longer updated.

For example I turned the luxury communism tumblr into a PDF and uploaded it here:

If anyone can think of any other decent blogs which are basically dead let us know, or archive it and post it up yourself (it's easy to do, I just kept scrolling down till the whole blog was on one page, then click Print then "save as PDF")

As stuff on WordPress/tumblr/other blogging platforms which isn't updated could be deleted by the companies which own it


8 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on April 10, 2016

On this note, is the Black Orchid Collective still going? As they have some good stuff on their blog but it hasn't been updated in a year:


8 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by jondwhite on April 11, 2016

Good work. Archiving these blogs is a good idea.


8 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on April 11, 2016

Yes, good idea indeed.


8 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on April 11, 2016

Cheers. Well bear it in mind if you come across any. Hopefully Black Orchid are still going. Also their blog won't be as straightforward to turn into a PDF as they split a lot of their articles with "continue reading" links… so if anyone knows what to do about that please let me know!


8 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Reddebrek on April 12, 2016


Cheers. Well bear it in mind if you come across any. Hopefully Black Orchid are still going. Also their blog won't be as straightforward to turn into a PDF as they split a lot of their articles with "continue reading" links… so if anyone knows what to do about that please let me know!

I'm afraid if the group is dead you'll have to copy and paste every article into a text document manually and then turn it into a PDF.

Authored on
April 10, 2016