Best critiques of Marxism?

Submitted by klas batalo on April 25, 2016

Also looking for best Marxist critiques of such critiques.


8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Pennoid on April 25, 2016

It seems difficult to critique marxism in a wide way. We all know it's not homogeneous.

Perhaps it could help to narrow down a topic in marxism:
Theory of Value
History (Stagism, role of technology, role of social relations, the concept of mode of production, class struggle)
Humanity as fundamentally social
Humanity as fundamentally equal
Materialism (and the different flavors which call themselves marxist)

You can find some of the premises of Marx's thought elaborated in The German Ideology and Contribution to a Critique of Political Economy, and maybe Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts.


Authored on
April 25, 2016