CNT Levante calls for the restructure of the CNT

Submitted by Lugius on April 26, 2016

I google translated this from CNT Levante website;

The Regional Confederation of Levante, consisting of unions Albacete, Alcoy, Elda, La Marina Alta, Sagunto, La Plana and La Safor, has the agreement and the moral obligation to declare the following statements and purposive considerations emanating from all our assemblies, conferences and full post-processing of inorganic desfederación.

First, as unions and afiliadxs desfederados fraud, against all rules and moral libertarian (decision over thanks to biased reports prepared by the "observers" of the previous SPCC, today expelled for being corrupt was taken), we continue to constitute Regional Levante CNT-AIT, while we never cease to be.

Secondly, we believe that many of the agreements that have been taken in the CNT in the last decade away the Confederation of anarcho-syndicalism and its own Principles, Tactics and Aims; and lead a path we do not know where it will end, but we are convinced that the revolutionary syndicalism away. We see no need to dwell much, but we can not enumerate some of these changes:

• Increased number of afiliadxs to form a union and obligation to spend a year as confederal core before they can form a trade union, even taking
sufficient affiliation. This is an attack on federalism and centralization of decision-making capacity around major cities and towns.

• Changing the voting system to favor the formation of simple majority, rather than forcing the search for consensus.

• Progressive change model of union militants to model services union, focusing solely on getting all possible affiliation although not translated into militancy, giving up entirely to direct action, to the involvement of employee lending propixs in struggles , etc. The best example of this is the SOV of Valencia, which claims to have 180 afiliadxs but in their assemblies is not able to collect more than twelve people usually as one of the last driven out of the SOV.

• disproportionate to the ability to contribute Importance coming to take the vote to the unions if their members have trouble paying the fee; and even resorting to charge lxs afiliadxs and regional through monthly bank statements

automatic, which is a flagrant contradiction with our anti-capitalist principles, as well as being completely unnecessary.

• Replacing the Cabinet of Legal and Pro-Prisoners for Confederal Technical Office that leaves aside presxs vegan, by focusing solely on labor disputes. This Cabinet is a terrible economic drain for unions, and in most cases only performs consulting functions, which could carry out more economic and efficient ways. This also implies the existence of trabajadorxs contratadxs by the CNT, which puts the Confederation in the role of exploiter.

• increasingly more vertical and less horizontal in decision-making, with Plenary Committees that make proposals and make decisions, leaving only the role of assemblies ratify or character. This was what happened during our desfederación process, without going any further. The inevitable consequence of this drift is living recently in the form of "irregularities" in the Treasury.

• aberrant frontism that in addition to calling campaigns and events with subsidized as the CGT unions, has come to degenerate into share based unnecessarily political parties as we (and white markings) or CUP, or double militancy in such political parties and CNT at the same time.

• Confrontation with the AIT because it refuses to accept the proposals of the CNT, which does not conform to abandon its idiosyncrasies and its historical characteristics, but also try to drag the International him and, when he sees that fails, arises leave or "refundarla".

• Expulsion of those who do not conform to this change of course, using various excuses. In our case they were alleged breaches of organic standards, if they can be described as such a thing, since there are regional that work continuously in the same way without this being a problem. In the case of compañerxs otrxs, excuses are different. The real reason is that we must purge those struggling to get the CNT remains what it has always been.

We could go on, but not what we need. After all, we understand that our comrades and unions to which it is addressed are already fully aware of the posibilista drift that is taking the CNT. We want to focus on what is in the proposed solutions to this problem.

The CNT may not be the caricature of union deliberately deformed step by step, congress to congress, its lines and categories that have always defined: its internationalism, solidarity, direct action, federalism and autonomy. It is not acceptable to stop and look how they change the background and image of our Gloriosa to the finalist reformism, syndicalism service, centralized, unsupportive, pactista, corrupt and yellow. That's not the CNT, nor let it be.

Given the absurdity and discrediting of the various committees responsible for these anomalies and intentional diversion of the anarcho-syndicalist and fraternal history of the organization, we declare our intention and desire to restructure the CNT from below, together with the unions still maintain a minimum of coherence in theory and revolutionary practice.

Therefore, we call on the unions to take clear position regarding the kidnapping of the CNT and premeditated disarmament of its principles, tactics and goals. Regional propose the organization of the anarcho-syndicalists unions today inside or outside the CNT; so that, with the Regional reorganized and Levante, a National Confederation of Labor representative of the principles of the AIT in the territory of the Spanish state is present. This does not necessarily mean the departure of that "CNT kidnapped" by the union so deems appropriate, pending a (in our opinion) unlikely change of address or be expelled without saving them work.

We restructure our CNT among whom we feel part of it in consistency. We constitute the CNT Regional Confederation organized as outside who are not anarcho but are claimed as such; reorganize Regional and go from a National Conference of Trade Unions to a Congressional process reaffirm syndicalism and AIT in the territory occupied by the Spanish state and that feat for revolutionary dimension to the CNT that unites us into a revolutionary objectives and with means in strict accord. Work, definámonos and defend ourselves from below, together, as befits us without vanguards.

Here syndicalism has not failed, we can not even blame it fundamentally structural errors CNT: we have failed its members, as to the lack of moral, clear and effective response to attacks suffered. knowing ourselves also partly responsible, now we propose this step we want to take together. We believe it is time to plant firmly face, overcoming past mistakes and dejaciones, as we learn from them to continue on our path: the better we understand that we can bring a life into anarchy.

The situation created after the last congress of the CNT and the relationship with the AIT accelerates the need to take an active initiative in defense of anarcho-syndicalism, and this seems to measure all non-extendable. Levante formally asked to join the International not

only because it has excluded us from the last binding decisions Confederal position the CNT against AIT, while simultaneously make winks to antagonists to anarcosindicalismo organizations; also because we understand that the defense of anarcosindicalismo implies the defense of the AIT.

Who really believes that our tool is no longer yours has and has always had to leave the door open to other organizations, without hatred or rancor; what is not acceptable is dynamiting the essence and meaning of the CNT to make it a carnival mask, because in addition to that already exists CGT and his "anarcho domesticated". authoritarian vices, although not directly orders, privileges or promises of parliamentary sign, have taken root in the CNT, today led to shame; and we are decididxs to arrive where it is needed to counter it, not in vain nosotrxs we are the CNT and anarcho-syndicalism remains the best tool we know.

Health and anarchist social revolution.

Long live the CNT! Long live the IWA!

Juan Conatz

8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Juan Conatz on April 26, 2016

Locking this, as there is already an existing thread on the recent events in the IWA.

Authored on
April 26, 2016