8th Bristol (UK) Anarchist Bookfair - 30th April 2016

Submitted by MH on April 27, 2016

The 8th Bristol Anarchist Bookfair is on Saturday 30th April 2016, 11am to 6pm.
At Trinity Centre, Trinity Rd, Bristol BS2 0NW, with the Radical History Zone just 5 minutes down the road at Hydra Bookshop.

Expect 60+ Stalls, many workshops/talks/meetings, a Quiet/Support space, a Kid's space, all-day Vegan cafe, Anarchist Art display, and outdoor green space. There will as usual be an After-Party evening benefit event. You are all invited!

The deadline for Workshop/Meeting proposals, and for Stalls to be included in printed programme, is 24 March 2016. To propose a Workshop/Meeting see here. To book a Stall see here. For ongoing updates/news/callouts see here.

Please read the main 2016 Bookfair callout – Building An Anarchist Future! and the Bookfair Collective’s Aims & Principles. You can find all Bookfair publicity here.

Some thoughts on this years theme: "If capitalism collapsed tomorrow would we be ready? It’s hard to plan for an uncertain future, as we don’t know how things will play out. Nor is it realistic to think there will ever be a point where we will have reached our destination or ideal utopia.

However, we can work on building our resilience & solidarity & co-operation, experimenting with different ways of organising, exchanging skills & resources, growing food & sustainability, dealing with conflict, and so on.

The aim of this year’s Bookfair is to focus on the future…as capital’s global crisis deepens and conflicts escalate, with disastrous consequences for humanity & the planet, the need for lasting social revolution has never been greater…the future is bright IF the future is anarchism!"

Bookfair Contact & Online Info:
Website – http://www.bristolanarchistbookfair.org/2016-bookfair/
FB main page – https://www.facebook.com/bristolanarchistbookfair
FB event – https://www.facebook.com/events/1663984413850998/
After-Party Details & FB event – coming soon
Twitter – @BristolBookfair and main hashtag of #BABF2016 (twitter account – https://twitter.com/bristolbookfair)
Main email – bristolanarchistbookfair[at]riseup.net
Bookfair mobile phone contact number – 07486267013


8 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by MH on April 27, 2016

The full programme for the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair is now available to read online here.

The 8th Bristol Anarchist Bookfair is on Saturday 30th April 2016, 11am to 6pm.
At Trinity Centre, Trinity Rd, Bristol BS2 0NW
The Radical History Zone just 5 minutes down the road at Hydra Bookshop.

All are welcome - come by if you are in the area!


8 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Spikymike on April 28, 2016

There is an interesting line-up of meetings at this event but how do 'Workers Liberty' get a look in with their version of Trotskyism when there are plenty of other Marxist influenced organisations around far more appropriate to a bookfair styled as Anarchist?

Authored on
April 27, 2016