ICC vs. ICT vs. ICP

Submitted by Communist Muta… on April 27, 2016

I am fairly new to Left Communism but am aware of the various surviving groups oriented in that fashion being the above three, primarily (and specifically in terms of which I could even join). I'm sure a thread like this already exists, but is there a run-down of these groups (their pros and cons, their ideology, etc.) one could give me? I find more interest in the ICC and ICT than anything because the ICP seems secluded and, if they are the Bordigists they claim to be, adhere to vanguardism., yes?

I would by no means join one in the near future - if they all adhere to organic or "dialectical" centralism I would need to study Marxism and their positions more before that was even a possibility. What I wish to know is what separates these groups, outside of their history which I am vaguely familiar with but could use some help with as well.

Apologies if this is all run of the mill drivel vapidity, but I haven't got time to trawl through the ICT and ICC's programmes and what have you to try and see the divergence (at the moment anyway). Thanks to any and all who reply.

klas batalo

8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by klas batalo on April 28, 2016

there are a few threads maybe? try the search function? ICT used to be known as IBRP fwiw. also try looking for old threads on revleft or red-marx if those forums still even exist.


8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on April 28, 2016

There are several threads under the 'Left Communism' heading on this site which reference the ICT/CWO, the ICC and also 'Internationalist Perspective' and 'Mouvement Communiste' which it would be worthwhile you spending a little bit of time researching as well as some relatively short pamphlet sized texts from the ICT and Internationalist Perspective available on this site without going to each of the organisations own websites. Better than just accepting a potted version of my or some other individual libcom posters point of view.


8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by fnbrilll on April 28, 2016

For ICP I would recommend

It's long but a good intro to ICP positions.


8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Tarquin on April 28, 2016

Some more info on the ICP can be found here...



8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Ed on April 28, 2016

Thread title sounds like the most boring WrestleMania ever.. ;)


8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Alf on April 30, 2016

I am happy to answer any questions, and to point to any number of texts which can give you a view of the ICC's politics and its differences with other left communist currents, but I think your 'versus/versus/versus' title does tend towards seeing the issue in terms of the WWE (which I think came from a regroupment between the WWF and WCW, but I could be wrong)

It's not a competition. Although the spirit of competition certainly invades the entire movement and not just the specifically left communist groups. How could it be otherwise in a capitalist environment?

I also don't think you will get very far towards understanding these organisations without doing a substantial amount of reading from the various groups' publications/websites.


8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on April 30, 2016

Too many 'initials' to cope with - best keep it simple.


8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Alf on April 30, 2016

My apologies. Here are the full names of the groups I referred to:

WWE: World Wrestling Entertainment
WWF: World Wrestling Federation
WCW: World Championship Wrestling

Authored on
April 27, 2016