1st May - Happy International Workers Day

Submitted by Sleeper on May 1, 2016

Happy International Workers Day. This is our day ...




The Pigeon

8 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by The Pigeon on May 2, 2016

No posts? Happy May Day!! Everyone's either boning or getting boned


8 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Sindelar on May 3, 2016



8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Sleeper on May 4, 2016

The Morning Star managed a couple of "we'll keep the red flag flying here" puns.

Then walking in to town from the railway station I met a small march made up of union members and supporters. Union banners proudly held high and the strains of 'we'll keep the red (and black) flag flying here'.

Then in to town and the capitalist consumption that will be the death of us all.

If I was an angry working class lad, a bright one, I would be frustrated and annoyed by the lack of recognition of the 1st of May.


8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by altemark on May 5, 2016

I left my native hometown for the capital, where I marched with maybe 2000 (2300?) syndicalists. The turnout was ok - the largest may day I've seen here was close to 3700 a couple of years back. The atmosphere was a bit drained though, and I almost didn't stay for the internationale. The local federation seems to have a series of introductory meetings for new members fully booked, so I guess the people walking around recruiting attendees did a good job at least.

Authored on
May 1, 2016