Money talks - SPGB Summer School 22/24 July

Submitted by whichfinder on May 9, 2016

Venue: Fircroft College, 1018 Bristol Road, Birmingham B29 6LH

Friday, 22 July until Sunday 24 July

Money flows through every aspect of society, and therefore affects every aspect of our lives. What possessions we have, the efficiency of the services we use, and how we are supposed to value ourselves are all shaped by the money system. We’re encouraged to think of the economy in much the same way as we think about the weather – something changeable, but always there. When the climate is ‘good’, life feels brighter. When the climate is ‘bad’, we huddle down until we can ride out the storm. Although we’ll always have the weather, the economy doesn’t have to be permanent. Our weekend of talks and discussion looks at the role of money in our society. In what ways does money affect how we think and behave? How does the economy really function? How did money come to be such a dominant force? We also look forward to a moneyless socialist society, which will be – in more than one sense of the word – free.

Sessions arranged so far...

Janet Surman will discuss a moneyless society 'Profiting From A Moneyless World'

Adam Buick will present 'An Idiot's Guide To Banking: How To Avoid Being A Currency Crank'.

Darren Poynton will select some short videos on 'The Root Of All Evil? How money affects behaviour and attitudes'

Full residential cost (including accommodation and meals Friday evening to Sunday afternoon) is £100. The concessionary rate is £50. Day visitors are welcome, but please book in advance.

To book a place, send a cheque (payable to the Socialist Party of Great Britain) to Summer School, Sutton Farm, Aldborough, Boroughbridge, York, YO51 9ER, or book online. E-mail enquiries to [email protected]


8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by whichfinder on May 12, 2016

There will also be an exhibition on the SPGB's views on money and a moneyless society over the decades. This will include some rarely-seen articles from the Socialist Standard, leaflets, posters and cartoons.

More news soon!


8 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by whichfinder on May 27, 2016

OK, here are the other sessions...

Colin Skelly will talk about 'Labour-Time Vouchers and Socialism'

'Socialists In Spaaace: A Game Of Co-operative Economics' run by Bill Martin
This team game will give us a chance to co-operatively run a money-free society!

There are now only about 10 places left so if YOU haven't already booked but would like to you need to get your skates on!

Book online or by post:

Authored on
May 9, 2016