Welsh museum workers into 3rd week on indefinite strike

Submitted by Red Marriott on May 17, 2016

Anyone know more about this?

Huge, and important, dispute underway in Wales...workers at 7 museum sites are on ALL OUT INDEFINITE STRIKE after management withdrew weekend working unsocial hours payments. It will mean a 15% cut in wages for people who earn an average wage of just £15,000 a year - the lowest paid are on just £8,000 a year. Please support them by donating to the strike fund - details on the end of this short video.



8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 18, 2016

A couple of the strikers came and spoke at my work, we did a collection for them and donated some money.

They gave us a general blurb, and they also have a Facebook campaign page with more info: https://www.facebook.com/nmwfairpay/

it is a brave group of workers, and it is outrageous how the lowest paid are being hit the hardest.

It seems that the bosses have been quite smart with it, however, as over time they have been recruiting more and more workers on zero hours contracts, who it seems the permanent union workers have not really been able to forge links with. And an indefinite strike means lots more hours for the zero hours contract workers. Although unfortunately I don't really know more in terms of numbers, or how significant they are, if they've been able to keep services going etc, assisted by managers, many of whom have been scabbing as well


8 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on June 7, 2016

Strike still on. Union organised Solidarity demonstrations/actions in Swansea, Cardiff, Birmingham and London on the 8th,9th,9th and 10th respectively of June (this month). The London do is a social at The Temple Bar, Mill Lane, Aldwych from 6.30pm.


8 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Steven. on June 7, 2016

Yeah I heard that a tentative deal was being talked about on Monday but no final resolution as yet


8 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Shorty on June 7, 2016

This recent article in the guardian gives a bit of insight on general conditions in the sector too.


Authored on
May 17, 2016