A question about work

Submitted by Freedom on May 24, 2016

Heya, so as a sort of not-quite announcement (bit up in the air atm) later this year we're hoping to bring out a new version of Why Work?, a book which brings classic essays arguing for a leisure society together into one place.

The difficulty in doing so is that the book was published in the '70s and thus could do with an article or two which is a bit more up to date. Which brings me to a question for the libcom hivemind:

What essays on work and the leisure society do you think would be your classics of the '80s, '90s and/or '00s? Of particular use of course would be stuff we can get permission to use as part of the updated set!


8 years 1 month ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on May 24, 2016

That would be great!

Not to toot our own horn… but maybe our work introduction? http://libcom.org/library/work-introduction

Work and the free society by the AF is also really good (although I think a revised version is being prepared)

also abolish work, by Bob Black was very popular, although TBH I haven't read it in ages and can't remember if it's that good.

This is an anthropological text but I think it is really good, about how for some hunter gatherers, work was play: https://libcom.org/library/why-hunter-gatherers-work-play-peter-gray


8 years 1 month ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Steven. on May 24, 2016

PS if you do a new one would you be okay with us putting your old version in the libcom library? You could use it to promote the new one…

Authored on
May 24, 2016