"The June 41th. Final diagnosis." Mark Solonin

Submitted by meerov21 on June 22, 2016

The book of famous Russian historian Mark Solonin is about catastrophe of Red Army on June 22 1941. Almost the entire book is a comparative description Bolsheviks and Nazi military machines, their numbers, weapons, organization and plans on the basis of archival data.

According to these, Red Army had on June 22 the giant superiority in weapons over the Germans and It was preparing for an offensive strike...

The second world war started on 1 September 1939 then USSR was an ally of nazi Germany. After the agreement between Communists and Nazis, Poland was divided. 22 June 1941 was the result of a rupture of relations between the allies and the clash of theier interests in Europe.

Allies did not trust each other, were set against each other with a huge armys and was ready to attack. Latest already not a secret, since published information on plans and projects of the Soviet Union in an offensive war with links to relevant documents. Nazis had similar plans first implemented.

However the first blow to the Nazis would not have saved the Soviet Union from the monstrous military catastrophe of 1941. Red Army outnumbered the Germans several times with tanks and planes (11 thousand planes compared with 4 thousand German planes, 12 thousand tanks against 4,5 thousand German tanks) and its weapons were not inferior to the German, but Red Army was very poorly trained and poorly motivated.

When Germans came in, the main forces of the Red Army just ran. "In the summer of 41th the Red Army's irrecoverable losses consisted mainly from deserters and prisoners, killed was in 5-6-7 times less. "The troops scattered groups dispersed in the forests", wrote in his memoirs Soviet general Boldin (in the beginning of the war one of the commanders of the Western front)."

Germans moved fast, like a knife through butter passing through the fortifications of the enemy, often on crappy tanks are carefully avoided to fight with a better Russian tanks. Skirting the flanks, they quickly attacked the giant armys, pursued them, and finished off by the aircraft. A minority resisted, but most dropped weapons and fled or surrendered. Red Army lost about 70% of the artillery, but only 30% of the transport vehicles... as vehicles were cleverly used to escape. 6 millions Red Army soldiers were taken prisoner or deserted.

The General conclusion of the author: Soviet Union was carefully preparing for war, amassed mountains of weapons, created a complex war machine, and were preparing to attack Germany (Soviet Union had only the plans of attack; bolsheviks had no plan of defense) but it was like a student who have been preparing for the exam, but did not passed it. The main reason for the disaster of 1941 in the author's opinion is the "inseparable inability and unwillingness to fight of the majority of the Red Army."


8 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by meerov21 on June 23, 2016

All documents here is about the training plan and conduct large-scale offensive operations conducted outside the borders of the USSR... They were developed in the interval from the summer of 1940 until may 1941. It's official.

They includ a preemptive strike against a German group near USSR. In June 1941 near the border in the conditions of strict secrecy was thrown a huge troopes of the red army. Of course, this is not a plan the war in ' 1943 or 1953.

I was very surprised that none of the Western interlocutors, with whom I discussed this, knew about the plan of a preventive attack on the Soviet Union against Germany, which was adopted in the USSR in the spring of 1941 and according to which the Soviet Union had moved secretly hundreds of thousands of military in June 1941.

By the way, It does not make Stalin and his regime better or worse. Even if the military Stalin's plans were purely defensive, it wouldn't make the Bolsheviks less dangerous and less vile.

Only the exact date of the attack is unnoun.



8 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by meerov21 on June 23, 2016

Mass anti-war sentiment and even defeatism in the USSR in 1941-1942 is a well - known fact. It has been noted by many memoirists and witnesses. Among them, a veteran of the red army and a Jew Yefim Golbraikh, a Polish anti-fascist war veteran and writer Gustav Gerling-Grudzinsky, Russian philosopher and supporter of the Soviet Union Alexander Zinoviev, the Ukrainian nationalist, Pegido-Pravoberejny and the others.

Authored on
June 22, 2016