AF and the UK Referendum?

Submitted by Spikymike on July 3, 2016

Whilst I had not expected any collectively agreed political analysis and statement from the SolFed in it's now narrower role as an 'anarcho-syndicalist initiative' in respect of the recent UK EU Referendum, I would have expected such from the AF as an active UK based anarchist-communist group aspiring to the 'leadership of ideas' but I cannot find any trace of this given the apparent failure to update the Federation website. Is there something published elsewhere by the Federation or any of it's local groups which could be posted here? Thanks.


8 years ago

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Submitted by AndrewF on July 3, 2016

We (WSM) organise in the north of Ireland, currently part of the UK. So there 3 pieces we published may count


8 years ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on July 3, 2016



8 years ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on July 3, 2016

This appeared in latest issue of Resistance, AF newsheet and in Rebel City, London paper of the AF:
Neither Westminster nor Brussels

The European Union has meant another layer of power over populations. Its main purpose is to serve the needs of corporations and financial institutions and is an obstacle to the emancipation of the working class. The majority of the laws that people are now subjected to come from the European Parliament rather than individual states. The EU does not need to respect local conditions and instead imposes their own vision for Europe based on the needs of capital. The vast majority of regulations have been to enhance the power of capital over the people. Very few policies have been directed at improving social conditions. We have seen the way in which the EU has presided over the attack on the Greek people and the raid of western capital on the assets of Eastern Europe. Any attempt by people to resist the encroachment of this superstate has been firmly resisted by individual states. For example, the state may refuse to allow people to vote on whether or not they want to remain within the EU or, if they do let them vote, the rig it so that the country remains in the EU. The EU has created fortress Europe, closing its borders to the rest of the world, as well as trying to be one of the many self-appointed world policemen.

You might think the answer is to withdraw from this Union. However, the idea that the working class would be better off outside the EU, ruled by their own State, is a dangerous illusion because of the fact that this is the position of the far right parties who are not remotely interested in resisting state power. Instead, their aim would be to install an even more authoritarian regime with even more repression.

Capitalism is global. The power of international corporations and banks will not disappear if a country withdraws from the EU. The movement of production and money across borders, motivated by the search for profits will continue. International institutions such as the IMF and World Bank will still have the power to impose austerity and policies that are against the interests of local populations. Human needs will take second place whether the country is within or outside the EU.

The retreat behind national borders will have serious consequences for the spirit of co-operation and solidarity between the working class of Europe. Ordinary people have a history of supporting each other regardless of national origin. This tradition will be undermined as people put what appears to be their self-interest over mutual aid. A divided working class will benefit those who have caused the problems we are facing in the first place, such as austerity and repressive measures.

Many who support withdrawal from the EU seem to think that we can return to some kind of Golden Age of prosperity. This Golden Age never existed. They forget that their own state has never been their friend. All states operate by taking power from the people. It doesn't matter if the State is a few miles or thousands of miles away; it will still be out of our control, operating in its own interests.

The Anarchist Alternative

Anarchists reject both the options presented to us: supporting the EU by voting in the European Elections or campaigning for withdrawal.
The internationalism that the EU represents is the unity of poltical and financial elites against the European working class. We propose both an alternative method of organising society as well as an alternative internationalism that extends to the whole planet.

Anarchists oppose the top-down approach adopted by the State and leftist parties. We promote non-hierarchical forms of organisation and methods of organising. The future organisation of society that we envision will be one of that is bottom-up based on groups which federate with each other and co-ordinate on an international level, independent of any current statist structure whether national or at a European level. This will include all areas of economic and social life such as the production, distribution and consumption of goods and the provision of services such as health and education. We need to take control of our own education such that it helps to promote our emancipation from authoritarian ideologies such as religion, nationalism, and cult of the leader.

In order to achieve this aim of complete political, economic, social and cultural transformation we need to build on and strengthen the international networks and co-ordinations that we already have. We have to fight back against borders working as human filter but let capital move across. Our proposal is to abolish all borders within countries and between countries which are limiting free movement of people.
• United fight against the banks by a universal refusal to pay debts.
• Civil disobedience against all repressive laws which take away our human rights.
• Strengthen and extend the current struggles against the increasing precariousness of living and working conditions.
• Resist all attempts to divide us according to race, sex or age.
• Co-ordinate struggles that are against common employers across borders.
• Resist privatisation of public services
• Promote alternative networks of production and distribution
• Extend international solidarity for those being criminalised as a result of social struggles.


8 years ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 3, 2016

Thanks for posting, battlescarred. Shame this wasn't put online anywhere


8 years ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on July 3, 2016

AF comrades will be updating our website very soon.


8 years ago

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Submitted by no1 on July 3, 2016


Whilst I had not expected any collectively agreed political analysis and statement from the SolFed

The Manchester Solfed local put out a statement this week:


8 years ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on July 3, 2016

OK many thanks for both of these reassuring statements which I hadn't seen before though I understand that maybe not every one individually followed through with the implied abstention or protest vote. It seems that reacting against the ultra-nationalist and racist nature of much of the Out campaign and other sectional or personal issues tipped some into voting IN.


8 years ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 3, 2016



Whilst I had not expected any collectively agreed political analysis and statement from the SolFed

The Manchester Solfed local put out a statement this week:

yeah that's good as well. I did wonder as all the Solfed people I know voted Remain


8 years ago

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Submitted by Sleeper on July 3, 2016

So it would seem that anarchist Federation and Solidarity Federation members took part in a national referendum, and all voted to remain within fortress europe - a term created by anarchists in the 1990's as told to by their leaders. Meanwhile the vast majority of working class people voted to leave because they have no trust or belief in politicians and their institutions.



8 years ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 3, 2016


So it would seem that anarchist Federation and Solidarity Federation members took part in a national referendum, and all voted to remain within fortress europe - a term created by anarchists in the 1990's as told to by their leaders.

Think your reading skills must be a bit off.

Meanwhile the vast majority of working class people voted to leave because they have no trust or belief in politicians and their institutions.

Also looks like your maths skills could do with some practice as well.


8 years ago

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Submitted by Sleeper on July 3, 2016

Ok a term recreated by anarchists in the 1990's. Part of a thorough ongoing critique by EF.

I'm right. Try and prove me wrong.


8 years ago

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Submitted by Sleeper on July 3, 2016

You are a fucking idiot and everything the capitalists and statists want in opposition.


You're deluded and a complete plonker.


8 years ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on July 3, 2016

You didn't even read the statements for example:

"Anarchists reject both the options presented to us: supporting the EU by voting in the European Elections or campaigning for withdrawal." Meanwhile you go on about how wonderful the Labour Party is. Jeez!

fingers malone

8 years ago

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Submitted by fingers malone on July 3, 2016

I don't know how hardly anyone else in Solfed voted, I've only spoken to two people, one abstained and one can't vote as they are an EU national. So I would imagine there's a mix of voting in, voting out, not voting and not being able to vote. Loads of our members wouldn't be able to vote actually.


8 years ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on July 3, 2016

Maybe 'Sleeper' should go back to sleep since they are unable to present any a coherent argument - not worthy of any reasoned responses.


8 years ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 3, 2016


I'm right. Try and prove me wrong.

Battlescarred is right, you're not really worth responding to. But I will. You said this:

So it would seem that anarchist Federation and Solidarity Federation members took part in a national referendum, and all voted to remain within fortress europe - a term created by anarchists in the 1990's as told to by their leaders.

The two articles by the AF and Solfed above both said they supported abstention. So you are not right on that front.
On the second bit of your post:

Meanwhile the vast majority of working class people voted to leave because they have no trust or belief in politicians and their institutions.

Firstly it doesn't make sense on logical grounds as the leaders of the Leave campaign were all politicians (you heard of Michael Gove, Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage?). And it's also wrong on factual grounds, as you may be aware 17 million people voted to Leave, 16 million to Remain, and 31 million didn't or couldn't vote. (More detailed demographics here.)


8 years ago

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Submitted by Sleeper on July 4, 2016

This is like wading through shit. It was a referendum not a fucking election Steven. People were not voting for any politician. They were voting yes or no to remain within the EU. Anything else added to it came from politicians and people like yourself who don't appear to understand basic principles of direct democracy such as referendum

Referendum -


8 years ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on July 4, 2016

Sleeper, yet again you put your shoe in your mouth. The Brexit referendum is not binding; it's a consultation. Parliament can vote to remain as it is entirely in their power. A referendum in the context of a parliamentary system is in no way direct democracy. So, it is you who don't understand the basic principles of either direct democracy or a referendum.


8 years ago

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Submitted by Sleeper on July 4, 2016

If I had the know how to press the button and invoke article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty I would. Because the majority have voted for it, and that's that. I have no time for anti-democratic leftists looking to overthrow the democratic referendum vote. Fuck you and your stupid middle class online stance.


8 years ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on July 4, 2016

Wait, you are actually suggesting that me (or any other poster on libcom) somehow have the power to persuade British MPs to vote one way or another? You really are living in a fantasy world. And I hope you realise (although I know that things like "facts" and "evidence" are hard for you to grasp) but it wasn't actually me that made the laws saying that a referendum is not binding.

Serge Forward

8 years ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on July 4, 2016

Why does that Sleeper character keep calling anyone he disagrees with middle class? Is this a new definition of working class which means "agree with the internet persona known as Sleeper"?


8 years ago

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Submitted by Sleeper on July 4, 2016

well done Serge forward (stupid name) you have indeed made contact with the other middle class bellends who inhabit the same world you do.


8 years ago

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Submitted by jesuithitsquad on July 4, 2016

Serge Forward

Why does that Sleeper character keep calling anyone he disagrees with middle class? Is this a new definition of working class which means "agree with the internet persona known as Sleeper"?

it's cause everyone on libcops is industrialised into the system, don't ya know?

Serge Forward

8 years ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on July 4, 2016


well done Serge forward (stupid name) you have indeed made contact with the other middle class bellends who inhabit the same world you do.

Are you smoking crack or something?


8 years ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on July 4, 2016

Nah, he's clearly just an idiot that doesn't know it but thinks he's really smart.


8 years ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on July 4, 2016

He's an utter prat, using the easy insult of calling people middle class who fail to agree with him when he knows nothing about their background and when those he insults have many years of militancy within the community and workplace, whilst he lurks in his bedroom and tries to pass himself off as more working class than thou, the poor deluded keyboard warrior.


8 years ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 5, 2016


This is like wading through shit. It was a referendum not a fucking election Steven. People were not voting for any politician. They were voting yes or no to remain within the EU. Anything else added to it came from politicians and people like yourself who don't appear to understand basic principles of direct democracy such as referendum

Referendum -

I know we have banned Sleeper for making threats to kill on another thread, but just wanted to come back on this of the record to point out none of it has absolutely anything to do with what was being discussed.

Serge Forward

8 years ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on July 5, 2016

I'm outraged. An actual working class person comes on to the site and gets banned FOR BEING WORKING CLASS!!!!11! Shame on you smug middle class Guardian reading hipster Libcop elite. Harumph!



8 years ago

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Submitted by Schmoopie on July 5, 2016

Neither Westminster nor Brussels

Now why does this slogan sound familiar?

Mr. Jolly

8 years ago

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Submitted by Mr. Jolly on July 6, 2016

Majority of people in Newcastle Solfed afaik abstained, including myself. There is only one person I know that voted, and he voted 'Remain'.

Hardly 'all anarchists' come on!

Authored on
July 3, 2016