DON'T VISIT GREECE! 10th of March: Worldwide solidarity action day with the 300 hunger strikers immigrants-workers in Greece

Submitted by preparingfor on March 6, 2011

Please publish, print and spread the following text

Latest Greece travel advises:

You might have heard that Greece is a beautiful country to visit with delicious food and people with great hospitality. Be careful: this is not the whole truth. The reality for hundreds of thousands of visitors is completely different. There is a general threat of human rights’ violations. Expatriates and visitors, who cross the Greek borders, can be departed or transferred in detention centres for 2–4 months or longer. If and when these visitors are released, they are forced to work in agriculture, local industry, organized crime, or as street salesmen, without documents or any civil rights whatsoever. Visitors of Greece are warned about abuse, intolerance, hatred, slander and indiscriminate violence by the Greek State…

Greece is exploiting approximately 500,000 illegal immigrants and refugees to raise the nation’s miserable economics. Last year, nearly 140,000 immigrants crossed the Greek borders in a hope of better life. Most of them are going to be illegalized for years and treated as unwelcome contemporary slaves.

Since the 25th of January, 300 immigrants who work and live in Greece for many years started a nationwide hunger strike in Athens and Thessaloniki. They claim the legalization of all undocumented immigrants of Greece. Their struggle is a struggle of all immigrants, workers and citizens of the world.

The 10th of March will be the 45th day of their hunger strike, but the Greek State has not yet responded to their rightful claims!

We call people in Greece and throughout the world to carry out civil disobedience actions on the 10th of March in solidarity with the 300 hunger strikers. We ask everyone to target their actions against Greek soft spot-tourism: 15% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product is coming from tourism. In fact, tourism and migration are two sides of the legal right of freedom of movement.

We suggest an easily attainable target that people can find almost in every country: Greek National Tourism Organization. You can e.g. demonstrate, blockade, squat, spread leaflets or carry out other creative actions in front, inside or around GNTO offices.

The addresses of the GNTO offices aboard are here:

If you don't have a GNTO office at your city, you can target your actions against the Greek embassies or enterprises, or simply demonstrate in crowded public places or on media.


[ More information about the hunger strike of 300: ]

'All Immigrants of the World'

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Libertarian Greek

7 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by Libertarian Greek on July 24, 2016

That is the most stupid post i have ever seen in my life -_-

Have you been in Greece dude

Do you know that we don't have the basics to live and you are saying that we are a horrible country that is bad to the refugees and that we don't care

For 3 months we were watching drowned children in the Aegean :'( and we could not do something cause the Turks were sending more refugees to us

Where we will find food and clothing to them when we can't afford them

And you are suggesting others not coming to Greece for holidays

We don't need people like you to come

I would like to see your country what did to those people when they wanted shelter and protection -_-


7 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by Schmoopie on July 24, 2016

Yes Libertarian Greek, it is a stupid post.

I would love to visit Greece this summer with my family but I am denied access because of financial and physical constraints. The price of airfares are exorbitant and the borders are hard to cross.


7 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by Devrim on July 24, 2016

The whole idea of tourist boycotts is absurd.

I see that nobody is saying that you shouldn't visit America because they shoot down black people in the street.

If we looked at it logically, how many countries would be boycott on our holidays?

Personally, I think I'll go to the Turkish rivera.


Serge Forward

7 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on July 24, 2016

Is this "boycott Greece" callout actually a thing then? Looks like bullshit liberal campaigning to me.


7 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by Mark. on July 24, 2016

The OP is from 2011 so if it ever was a thing I'm sure it isn't now.

Authored on
March 6, 2011