Market Socialism

Submitted by FS98 on July 24, 2016

In a capitalist economy you have to choose what type of business you are creating when you create one for tax purposes. Some of the types of businesses you can start in the US are corporations, sole proprietorships, and cooperatives. How exactly might this work in a market socialist economy. Obviously you would be able to create a cooperative, and I have no problems with sole proprietorships as long as surplus value isn't being used extracted from employees. I'm not sure about other forms though. Should the collective allow for business entities such as corporations to be created but push to transform them into cooperatives through means other than a government or similar polity. Please don't respond by saying that market socialism isn't actually socialism, I'm aware that most users on this site don't like market socialism. I'm just curious of what market socialists think of this.

jef costello

7 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on July 24, 2016


I'm just curious of what market socialists think of this.

Then asking on a site for market socialists would be a better choice.


7 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by FS98 on July 24, 2016

I can't really think of any. I'd imagine there are some market socialists on this site so I figured I would ask here.

Chilli Sauce

7 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on July 24, 2016

TBF, I think Gulai Poyle (sp?) basically qualifies as a market socialist, although he slides basically into anarcho-capitalism, which is no huge surprise...

There's also anarcho - who wrote the Anarchist FAQ - who really likes his Proudhon. But, no, there certainly isn't even anything you could consider a market socialist contingent on libcom. For good reason.


7 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by radicalgraffiti on July 24, 2016

there's probably some subreddits for "market socialism" and they are probably full of anarcho capitalists and simlar

Joseph Kay

7 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on July 24, 2016

This dude's a market anarchist:
And the group he's involved with has an FB page:


7 years 12 months ago

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Submitted by FS98 on July 24, 2016

Joseph Kay

This dude's a market anarchist:
And the group he's involved with has an FB page:

I've heard of him and that organization. I tend to disagree quite a bit with both him and the organization. I consider myself to be an anarchist without adjectives so I respect his his views and the views of non-market socialists but I myself prefer a mixed economy with public ownership and regulated worker cooperatives.They seem to be totally against regulation and public ownership of any kind.

Authored on
July 24, 2016