What's Going on in Charlotte?

Submitted by Noah Fence on September 22, 2016

Anybody on the ground there? If so a some real accurate news would be appreciated.

Noah Fence

7 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on September 22, 2016

BTW, I mean the back story as well as what's going on right now.

Chilli Sauce

7 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on September 22, 2016

Glad someone started a thread.

I'm in a bit of a rush at the moment, but I just wanted to say that the most interesting thing I read was about the background of the protesters. NC has a huge military population and a many of the protesters are ex-military. According to the Guardian "police found themselves squaring off more often against former soldiers who had their own tactics and gear."

That's some interesting shit on various levels.

Noah Fence

7 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on September 22, 2016

Just listening to radio 5. They did a live interview and I would imagine that to their horror they let one slip through the net. The woman interviewed said that she was standing next to the dead man and has video evidence that he wasn't armed. She then went on to bring up the history of the police in relation to slavery and the 13th amendment. Finally, before they cut her off she said at this point 'the police must be abolished, and in fact, so must capitalism'.
Nice to hear this on national radio.

Red Marriott

7 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Red Marriott on September 22, 2016

Of historical relevance; a series on the the Wallace Terry oral history projects, experience of black soldiers in Vietnam - racism and politicisation etc - and on return, many living with post-traumatic stress disorder. Part 2 of this was on Radio 4 today;


7 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on September 22, 2016

What's with all the snatch and capture stuff by the cops? Anyone know status of those snatched by the cops?


7 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Reddebrek on September 22, 2016

Noah Fence

Just listening to radio 5. They did a live interview and I would imagine that to their horror they let one slip through the net. The woman interviewed said that she was standing next to the dead man and has video evidence that he wasn't armed. She then went on to bring up the history of the police in relation to slavery and the 13th amendment. Finally, before they cut her off she said at this point 'the police must be abolished, and in fact, so must capitalism'.
Nice to hear this on national radio.

If its the same interview used in the world service then they edited her out after she talks about having video footage.

Joseph Kay

7 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on September 22, 2016

Noah Fence

7 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on September 22, 2016


Noah Fence

Just listening to radio 5. They did a live interview and I would imagine that to their horror they let one slip through the net. The woman interviewed said that she was standing next to the dead man and has video evidence that he wasn't armed. She then went on to bring up the history of the police in relation to slavery and the 13th amendment. Finally, before they cut her off she said at this point 'the police must be abolished, and in fact, so must capitalism'.
Nice to hear this on national radio.

If its the same interview used in the world service then they edited her out after she talks about having video footage.

Yeah, this was actually live so I guess editing was not possible. They shepherded her off pretty sharpish once she denounced capitalism even though I had the feeling because of the relaxed magazine nature of the show that that had alloted her considerably more time.


7 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by redsdisease on September 23, 2016

This local news website has ongoing updates on what's going on: http://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/official-1-taken-to-hospital-after-shooting-in-university-city/448050164

A protester, who was shot Wednesday night, has died. There's conflicting accounts about who they were shot by; most witnesses say that it came from the police while the police, of course, claim that it was an unidentified civilian but haven't given any more info about who this civilian might be or why they are so sure.

Wednesday night, governor McCrory declared a state of emergency and the national guard has been arriving throughout the day.

Tonight the mayor called for a midnight curfew.

The police have still not released the video of the shooting. Apparently the family of Keith Scott viewed the video of his death today (which I can't even imagine having to do) and say that what happened is not at all clear.

Protests are continuing tonight.


7 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Auld-bod on September 23, 2016

This morning early, BBC radio reported that as a demonstration passed the local penitentiary the window lights, which he presumed to be cells, were flicked on and off sending a message to the people outside.

Chilli Sauce

7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on September 23, 2016

Read a couple news articles this morning and it looks like the mainstream media is picking up on the idea that the cops' line about a "civilian on civilian shooting" is looking increasingly bogus.


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by potrokin on September 24, 2016

Regarding the killing of Terance Crutcher, the media are very keen to link Crutcher with taking PCP as an excuse for his death. The Police have stated that they have found a vial of PCP in his vehicle and I wouldn't put it passed the Police to plant the substance.

Many media outlets are reporting this:



7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on September 25, 2016

Yeah, it's the typical character assassination going on by the police. Combined with the laziness of journalists, the lies of the police gets widely circulated. And even if he was on PCP, it does not warrant a fucking execution.


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Marx-Trek on September 28, 2016

Charlotte Police and City Government recently released various videos from the day the police killed Keith Lamont Scott.

NPR report:


I was not present but have heard directly from someone who attended prior to and when the state of emergency was declared and the National Guard were called out to take control of the streets.

Charlotte, North Carolina has seen much development during the past twenty years and Charlotte has become a banking hub for Bank of America. Though the city has seen much "revitalization" and "gentrification," any tensions regarding development seems to come more from some areas being re-developed while other neighborhoods are ignored. Added to the usual economic realities of everyday life, the relationship and interactions between local police and citizens in Charlotte appear to be no different than any other city across the US.

Police were said to be entering the area to execute an arrest warrant. The arrest warrant was not for Scott, Scott was totally unrelated to the reason why the police were entering that area. From the multiple videos, it can be pieced together that Scott was seen walking around a car, the police were well protected behind another car and pointing their guns at Scott, someone who knew Scott videotaping and yelling at the police he was not a threat and had mental/physical condition, and then the police begin to shoot and kill Scott. The police car dashcam and personal body camera are not of the best quality. The video shows Scott slowly exit the car, slowly walking backwards, hand not pointing at the police, no gun clearly seen in his hands, and then shot down by the police.

People from the neighborhood have said that Scott was waiting in his car for his kids to return from school and was sitting in his car reading. The police have said that Scott was seen walking to and from and back to his car before he was shoot. A gun has been retrieved from the scene but it is unclear whether or not the gun was actually in Scott's hand before being shot. North Carolina is an open carry state and Americans have a Second Amendment right to own and carry firearms. You are legally allowed to carry firearms in North Carolina in multiple ways. If you have been convicted of a felony your right to be around firearms has been severely restricted (all but banned).

After the shooting the police and city responded similarly to all other city governments across the US when police involved shootings occur. People began to react and leave their homes. Semi-organized and spontaneous marches and gatherings began. Participants expressed their rage for being continuously ignored by the city and remaining silent on how the police treat people differently. Two separate marches ended up meeting and running into each other in Charlotte's city center. One march was the semi-organized and the second appeared to have been a spontaneous youthful neighborhood march. The police were quick to respond when the two marches became one and had entered the city center.

During the marching, rioting, and back and forth between citizens and the police news of someone being shot or hit with some projectile was reported. The police and media began to claim that a citizen had shot another citizen. Witnesses claim to have seen someone being hit by some projectile fired from the police line. Witnesses further claim that no clear entry or exit wound could be found or seen. Witnesses assume that a teargas canister had struck the man in the face, forcing him to fall backwards, and cracking his head on the pavement. Most of the damage to private property was was concentrated to CVS (a corner store, as seen during the Baltimore riots in response to the killing of Freddie Gray) and Bank of America.

A state of emergency was declared and the National Guard were called in to "restore order." Witnesses say that the National Guard only stood watch and did not interact with people. A curfew was issued but in some areas the curfew was not strictly enforced and was said to have been lifted this past Saturday or Sunday.

Several people have been arrested and their violations are unclear. Some have been arrested for "curfew," and legal support is ongoing.

A detailed account can also be read on It's Going Down:


In other news, in Greensboro, NC a former police officer has resigned after video surfaced of an altercation with a black man who was waiting for his mother on her front porch at her private home. Marches and solidarity events have already been held and organizing around police violence is ongoing.

Former officer Cole, now resigned, has a previous altercation with two black men that ended in the two men being cleared of any wrong doing and shows the police clearly in the wrong.

Here is are news reports and videos of the most recent and previous altercation involving former officer Cole and Greensboro citizens:



(Apologizes for typos, had to write this quickly.)

Noah Fence

7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on September 28, 2016

Thanks for all the Marx. Great info.

Noah Fence

7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on September 28, 2016


Noah Fence

Just listening to radio 5. They did a live interview and I would imagine that to their horror they let one slip through the net. The woman interviewed said that she was standing next to the dead man and has video evidence that he wasn't armed. She then went on to bring up the history of the police in relation to slavery and the 13th amendment. Finally, before they cut her off she said at this point 'the police must be abolished, and in fact, so must capitalism'.
Nice to hear this on national radio.


Nah mate, it was just on a regular daytime show on BBC Radio 5 on the date I posted. You could check on iPlayer but I doubt the show is even on there. It's a long show too, 13.00-16.30 I think.


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Marx-Trek on September 29, 2016

Yes, the 1979 Greensboro Massacre happened in Greensboro, North Carolina. It is still an issue in the city because the police and city government play the, "it was ages ago, lets forget about it," while the survivors, who still organize in Greensboro, routinely point out that the institutional and systematic problems that brought about the 79 Massacre still exist. Case and point, the Historical Society wanted to place a historical marker at the site of the massacre and the city wanted to change the marker, and instead of calling it what it was, a massacre, the marker would indicate that some kind of mutually decided skirmish between two groups happened here. And the City seems confused why people are still angry? The local police and city maintains a pretty steady stream of questionable killings and controversy...

DemocracyNow interview about the Greensboro Massacre:


Here is an article about the local police shooting and killing an elderly Vietnamese women:


Here is a good article on Greensboro's policing in the New York Times:


Here are some short stories concerning the very long story of the NC-Almighty Latin Kings and Queens going political and facing constant police harassment:





Here is a story of the Greensboro police breaking up a party held by black students from a local historically black women's college in a violent fashion:


Here is an article about the very suspicious shooting of Gil Barber:


Here is a facebook link and link to Burroughs family attorney talking about the shooting of Todd Burroughs by the police in the county next to Greensboro.



Lets end on a positive note, Greensboro is also famous A&T students starting the Sit-in Movement to end segregation across the South.



7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Marx-Trek on September 30, 2016

New audio has been released from the Charlotte Police shooting and killing Keith Lamont Scott.


The video and audio seems to contradict each other. Police can be heard saying that Scott had a gun and for him to drop it but the video shows no gun in his hands.


7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Marx-Trek on October 19, 2016

Keith Scott's autopsy has come out, he was shot multiple times, and the shots in the back and abdomen were the lethal shots.

Washington Post, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/10/12/autopsy-shows-keith-lamont-scott-was-shot-four-times-by-charlotte-officer-once-in-the-back/?utm_term=.648250e71c3e

Authored on
September 22, 2016