SPGB 2017 Calendar

Submitted by jondwhite on December 5, 2016

SPGB 2017 Calendar is available here (just in time for Xmas),
be sure to use the discount codes at the top of the page


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by slothjabber on December 5, 2016

I have a horrible image of 'The Calendar Socialists', in your birthday suits holding conveniently-placed copies of Das Kapital and pictures of William Morris (or Martov).


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on December 5, 2016

sloth....Have a look it's theme is 'All our yesterdays' and the 'golden era' of the outdoor platform. Some faces us oldies would recognise from our youth, including individuals in the subsequent 'Socialist Studies' breakaway from the official SPGB - suspect jondwhite had a hand in the selection as well as placing this commercial ad on libcom. Your imagery would have got a better response I suspect!


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by slothjabber on December 5, 2016

I did have a flip through. As you know Spikymike, I've got a bit of a soft spot for the SPGB and I thought the images were great. But no ALB that I could see. I was sure he'd appear somewhere!


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Craftwork on December 5, 2016

They were originally considering doing a nude calendar, but decided against it on the basis that such an action would cause great harm to the workers' movement.

Noah Fence

7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on December 5, 2016


They were originally considering doing a nude calendar, but decided against it on the basis that such an action would cause great harm to the workers' movement.

I would have thought nudity would make movement considerably easier for the workers. Anyhow, don't we want more freedom in all areas.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by jondwhite on December 5, 2016

I purposefully tried to choose historical photos rather than any of currently active members principally for the privacy of the latter. The announcements forum is described as 'for publicising publications' which is what this is, printed ones generally carry a price. Elsewhere its been mentioned that July is Danny McCarthy and October is Harry Walters.


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on December 6, 2016

the calendar documents forcefully that the SPGB was and still is the dominating force in the "All England Political Soapbox Preaching Championship" for the last decades


7 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by ajjohnstone on December 8, 2016

It is a pity that this form of mass(?) communication has died its death.

For all the rhetoric about advocacy for direct talk during the Occupy period...there was no campaign to bring the message to all the public speaking venues that still exist in most places but now rarely used. It is a pity considering the many "free speech" struggles that took place in a lot of towns and cities to gain that space to exercise of out-door speaking, often with socialists and anarchists joining together as they did for Glasgow Green

Sadly, i'm so pessimistically inclined, i can't even bring myself to call for a revival of soap-box oratory. The 10 minute You Tube video is a poor substitute for the animated and lively banter of a street meeting.

Authored on
December 5, 2016