Forthcoming libertarian socialist discussion meetings in the East Midlands

Submitted by Serge Forward on January 5, 2017

Monthly Libertarian Socialist Discussion Meetings
Organised by Leicester group of the Anarchist Federation
Meetings take place at 7pm on the last Wednesday of the month at the Regent Sports & Social Club, 102 Regent Road, Leicester LE1 7DA (a short walk from Leicester train station).

25th January 2017 – Is the working class movement dead?
What is the role of pro-revolutionaries in the current social, political and economic climate?

22nd February – 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution
What can we learn from it? What has been its effect on the workers’ movement between 1917 and the present day?

29th March – How could a libertarian communist society meet people’s needs and desires?
What are the objections to a communist/anarchist/socialist society and how can they be responded to?


7 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on January 7, 2017


Serge Forward

7 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on January 7, 2017

You're welcome to come along... only an hour on the train from that there London ;)


7 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by freemind on January 7, 2017

Difficult for me on a weekday but will try to get there

Serge Forward

7 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on January 8, 2017

Grand. You'll be very welcome.


7 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by rat on January 8, 2017

I'd love to get up to this — but it's very (very) unlikely.
For us in Surrey & Hants AF (SHAF), these set of meetings are the sort of thing we need to try and organise.
Getting public discussion meetings may well help with the problems or getting a decent anarcho-communist group together locally. It's probably a very good way of making contacts and getting things going.

Authored on
January 5, 2017