Insurgent Notes - Call for meeting in NYC

Submitted by AngryWorkersWorld on January 9, 2017

From Insurgent Notes

January 1, 2016

Dear Friends,

We’re writing to ask you to join us at a public meeting to discuss the broad topic of “Building a Radical Left in the Age of Trump.” The meeting will be held in New York City in late January or early February. We’ll confirm a date as soon as our inquiries regarding a possible site are answered.

We are calling this meeting because, along with many others, we realize that we are entering a time of great uncertainties and great dangers—dangers that result from what the government does here and abroad and dangers that result from the emergence of a variety of new right-wing populist and nationalist forces that can only be understood as pre-fascist or fascist. At the same time, we insist that the great majority of Trump supporters cannot and should not be tarred with such a brush. Indeed, as we wrote in our most recent editorial, “There are people in the Hillary camp who are our enemies, and there are people in the Trump camp who are our potential allies.” Many people attracted to the Trump campaign, alternatively, could be attracted to a consistent vision of an alternative to capitalist society, which up till now has not existed. They will not, however, be attracted to a defense of the existing state of affairs—no matter how dressed up in notions of understanding, tolerance and opportunity.

We are convinced that the only way out of the terrible mess that this country and the world are in is the development of a mass radical movement--a movement that will challenge the fundamental bases and characteristics of capitalist society with a program for the radical reconstruction of this society under the direct democratic control of the immense majority of the people. Such a movement cannot restrict itself to participation in electoral campaigns of any kind. We need to be clear—we do not believe that such a movement can be built upon the legacies and traditions of liberalism, progressivism, social democracy or Stalinism-Trotskyism-Maoism.

Over the course of the last six years, Insurgent Notes has published fourteen issues of its online journal. For the most part, we attracted modest levels of attention and support. Recently, we believe in response to articles and editorials focused on the election and its outcome, we have seen a dramatic upswing in the number of visits to our web page, the number of comments posted and the number of new subscribers.

We feel compelled to seize upon that momentum to find out how we might contribute to the development of the movement that we so desperately need. We recognize that such a movement will be the result of the coming together of individuals with different experiences and political convictions. Towards that end, we also believe that we need to come up with new forms of political organization that can allow for the definition of fundamental agreements, provide space for ongoing productive conversations and enable us to act in concert as events unfold.

Let’s briefly describe what our preliminary ideas are for the meeting:

· The meeting would take up the better part of a day—perhaps from 11 AM to 5 PM.
· We hope to include panel discussions on at least the following major topics:
o The world’s crises and the election
o Class and race: is there anything new to say?
o An anti-capitalist vision
o Creating a new language of hope and revolt
o Naming and fighting male supremacy
o Imagining new forms of political organization.
· We also hope to include opportunities for people to get to know each other and to actively engage in conversations about the most pressing of the issues.
· We’re going to work hard before and during the meeting to insure that presentations and comments go far beyond the mere re-statement of prior convictions or the re-arguing of old debates.
· We’d like to entertain suggestions for next steps after the meeting.
· We’re hoping to sponsor an informal social event at the end of the day.

This letter is being sent to individuals who we believe might want to participate in the meeting. Please feel free to circulate it to people who you think might be interested. Beyond that, we’d like to ask for your advice about the topics we should be discussing and other individuals that we might want to invite to participate. Please respond to [email protected] as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we’re going to be contacting other individuals and organizations to see if they might be interested in participating. In the near future, we’ll be posting a meeting announcement on our web page and using other media to spread the word. We’ll keep you informed.

If you’d like to talk about any of this, you can email us and we’d be happy to set up a time to meet in person.

In hopeful solidarity,

Insurgent Notes


7 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by petey on January 14, 2017

has a date/place been discussed?


7 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by spacious on January 14, 2017

Below are details of the meeting:

Insurgent Notes Public Meeting

Date Sunday, February 5, 2017

Place City University of New York Graduate Center 365 Fifth Avenue
(between 34th & 35th Streets in NYC) Room 5409
(Wheel Chair Accessible)
Time 10 AM – 11 AMRegistration & Introductions 11 AM – 5 PM Meeting
5 PM – 7 PM Social Get Together (nearby)

Video Participation: Arrangements are being made to allow for the participation of individuals who were not able to travel to NYC for the meeting.

Invited Speakers (partial list):
Matthew Lyons, Three Way Fight
JM Wong, Seattle activist, former member of Black Orchid Collective Jake Vigness, Tampa Communist League
Jarrod Shanahan, CUNY Struggle & Hard Crackers
Loren Goldner, Insurgent Notes
Shemon Salaam, NYC activist
Michael Hough, West Virginia activist
Salar Mohandesi, Viewpoint Magazine

For updates on agenda, go to


7 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Craftwork on February 3, 2017

This is on Sunday.

S. Artesian

7 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by S. Artesian on February 3, 2017

You can get a video link, which I believe will also provide for "real time" chat, questions etc. via the web by sending an email and requesting the link to: [email protected]

Juan Conatz

7 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Juan Conatz on February 4, 2017

S. Artesian

You can get a video link, which I believe will also provide for "real time" chat, questions etc. via the web by sending an email and requesting the link to: [email protected]


S. Artesian

7 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by S. Artesian on March 7, 2017


Pithy summary:

So, what now? We don’t know.

I think I got the sequence down: 1. Call a conference on "Building a Radical Left During the Age of Trump." 2. Hold conference. 3. Summarize conference, playing off Lenin"s "What is to be Done?"- 4. Answer: No clue.

But make no mistake, we're not about interpreting the world, we're about changing the world.

Sure thing.

el psy congroo

7 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by el psy congroo on March 7, 2017

Well at least we know from these recordings S. Artesian's Internet tough guy alter-ego is just that.

Not much else here worth responding to, it's mostly regurgated discussions if people who like hearing their voices instead of the clickity-clak of the keyboard.. Another huge echo chamber, only this one now filled with socdems, trots, straight up leftists and people going on about grand coalitions and "false consciousness".

S. Artesian

7 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by S. Artesian on March 7, 2017

Actually, I'm a regular teddy-bear in person.

And I think it's a shame that the IN meeting turned out as it did.

EDIT: I don't think the meeting turned out as it did because the attendees were Trots, or soc-dems, or leftists, or anarchists or whatever. I would put the responsibility on the IN group itself for trying to address too many issues with its presentation of different panels, and not sticking to its original "call."


7 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by petey on March 7, 2017


has a date/place been discussed?

someone downvoted this :(

e2a someone has downvoted almost every post here :)

S. Artesian

7 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by S. Artesian on March 7, 2017

It's good to know that somebody agrees with me, but you forgot to downvote post #11. Please don't make the same mistake again.

el psy congroo

7 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by el psy congroo on March 7, 2017

Perhaps to try to get something out of this, I actually found the interventions of the fellow called Shemon to be half decent. But what I don't understand is why it took 2/3 of the recording in one case to hear the word "communism" for the first time? Skipping around a bit, isn't it clear by now mass action/combativeness of any quality must precede the development of any serious communist ideology taking root within the US working class? We can't change anything much at all by simply saying things, we have to do things. Not leftist activism or a change of habits, but a refusal to participate in the commodity relations, period, until the whole damn system comes crashing down.


7 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on March 14, 2017

found this gem: ... for those who like to indulge in polemical exchanges


7 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Hieronymous on March 14, 2017


found this gem: ... for those who like to indulge in polemical exchanges

Is it really necessary to link to one of Kevin Keating's ad hominem screeds (and as usual, written under a pseudonym)?


7 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Alf on March 14, 2017

posted on our forum - not anything to do with the ICC. Useful to know that it was KK. I found the whole approach deeply personalised, and in the end, an apology for leftism (because 'at least they do stuff')


7 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by petey on March 14, 2017



7 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by petey on March 14, 2017


posted on our forum - not anything to do with the ICC. Useful to know that it was KK. I found the whole approach deeply personalised, and in the end, an apology for leftism (because 'at least they do stuff')

i saw that on your board and wondered.

Authored on
January 9, 2017