Audio submissions wanted for antifascist film project!

Submitted by panic_rant on February 12, 2017


As we’re sure you’ve noticed, the tide truly is rising for the far right .

In the US, Donald Trump is president, and has far-right website editor Stephen Bannon in his administration. “White nationalist” Richard Spencer celebrated his victory by saying “Heil Trump” to his audience, which was followed by a round of Seig Heils.

The Ku Klux Klan also rejoiced that Trump was president.

Trump kicked off his presidency by beginning plans to build the wall across the Mexican border and putting in place a temporary ban on people in seven Muslim-majority countries coming into the US, all with the same racist, Islamophobic rhetoric he displayed during his campaign.

In the UK, on 16th June 2016, just days before the public went to the ballot box for the EU referendum, pro-refugee Labour MP Jo Cox was murdered in the street by a neo-Nazi. Fascist group National Action, now banned as a terrorist organisation, celebrated her murder.

On the by-election following Jo Cox’s death, all mainstream parties respectfully declined to challenge Labour’s seat. Three of the ten parties or individuals that did were far right parties – English Democrats, British National Party and National Front.

And all across Europe, far right parties are emboldened, making themselves more prominent and gaining popularity.

And all this is just the tip of the iceberg. Undoubtedly, these worrying trends in mainstream politics will only embolden fascist organisations, leading to more racist and xenophobic violence.

We believe it’s everyone’s job, through grassroots community organising, to combat fascism wherever it rears its ugly head.

And we need YOU!

We are two artists, an illustrator and a writer/performer, who wish to create an animation on the topic of anti-fascist and anti-racist resistance.

The aim is to collect as many audio recordings of people answering the three questions below about fascism as possible, and to use clips of those recordings to create a short animated film, where the words will influence the images.

We hope to create a work that celebrates and informs people of the diversity of tactics needed to combat fascism, and inspires them to help fight it in any way they can.

We would like audio submissions answering the three questions below.

1) What is fascism?

2) How does fascism take shape today?

3) How do we fight fascism?

They can be just a sentence, a twenty-minute-long rant, a personal experience, a history lecture… whatever. We want your words.

Okay, so some ground rules and assurances:

It’s sad that this even needs to be said, but we will not accept any recordings with discriminatory language including, but not exclusive to, homo/biphobia, transphobia, misogyny, racism or xenophobia.

We fully welcome recordings in a language other than English, but please send us a written translation with it so we can add subtitles.

Recordings can be of any length whatsoever.

Recordings can be done in any way you please (we’ll do any necessary sound tweaking) but please ensure they are clear and intelligible.

The questions are more of a guide. Feel free to stick to them, but if you have more stuff to say, say it!

We promise not to make public or publish any personal information – including your name and/or email address.

Please send submissions to: [email protected] by Sunday 15th April.

Now get recording!

Ada & Paul


7 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Ed on February 12, 2017

Er, could you maybe say a little bit about who you are? Are you part of any organisation? Seems a bit odd to come out of the blue and ask for people to start talking to you about potentially incriminating stuff..


7 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Fleur on February 12, 2017

Yeah, although I expect this is a project being undertaken in good faith, Ed's got a point. We live in shady times, well at least even shadier times and there's been a proliferation of accounts popping up on social media claiming to be radical accounts but are actually fronts for fash. So a little more additional information would be welcome before people send you information about themselves.


7 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by panic_rant on March 1, 2017

Hi there,

SO SORRY for the delayed response, had to check in with my mate who I'm doing this with.

Thank you for raising those points - they are all good ones and oversights on our part.

However, we do feel we don't want to become targets to the fash either, so putting our public info out there, or even things which could lead to it, are a little risky. We know, as you do, that fash troll sites like this and we feel wary of it too.

We will update the blog with a little note acknowledging these issues.

Basically, you are free to contribute whatever you like. If anyone feels uncomfortable about sending us anything, then please don't say those things. As always with any political action, know your limits and what you feel comfortable about saying in the context of who you're giving the info too.

If you want to send us something that you would only feel comfortable doing anonymously, you could quickly set up a fake Gmail account and send us it from there.

I hope this helps. If you have any other questions, please feel free to post on here or email us privately.

Thank you.

Authored on
February 12, 2017