New ideas and action article: "What is Workers’ Self-Management?"

Submitted by syndicalist on March 16, 2017

New ideas and action article:

What is Workers’ Self-Management?

By Winter Jones

Workers’ Self-Management is exactly what it sounds like — workers controlling their own workplaces, answering to nobody other than themselves, and also to their fellow workers. Everybody involved in making the workplace’s decisions …


7 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on March 16, 2017

This is presumably meant to be a simple 'nuts and bolts' outline of a structure that might be relevant at one level in a fully 'self-managed' communist society but it's content and reference to the ''lazy worker' should remind us that modern management has learn't a few lessons of it's own on this score in it's attempts to undermine worker solidarity by restructuring the workplace into smaller 'self-managed teams' rather than relying on traditional 'top down management'! And of course workers self-management of competing enterprises in today's market economy is hardly a solution to our problems as a class.


7 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on March 16, 2017

I'll advise the author of your comments. Not sure if they are on libcom. My only comment, not bad for someone in their late teens.


7 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by AnarchoWinter on March 21, 2017

Hey, Winter Jones (the author) here. It was definitely meant to be an simple introduction. The part about the "lazy worker" was definitely meant to illustrate that there is no such thing as laziness as Alexander Berkman explains in his book "What is Anarchism".

Authored on
March 16, 2017