Organising Direct Action Resources?

Submitted by agb on May 17, 2017

Hi all,

I've been trying to do some research recently on different examples of small scale class struggle direct action, particularly in smaller less organised cities (read not capitals), but not exclusively. So far from the different things I've googled I've not encountered very much, the only good resources I've found are Brighton SolFed's Hospitality Network and the SeaSol Solidarity Network pamphlet in the organising section of this site. Can anyone else offer any other examples they know of? Alternatively if anyone is involved in such actions and they could share how they got started, how they chose what to do, got in contact with workers with problems etc that would be very helpful too!



7 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on May 17, 2017

On this site there are lots of accounts of direct actions, though they may be hard to find. You may want to read accounts from the Deliveroo workers who recently struck; AngryWorkersWorld is a blog on this site that publishes a lot of good stuff.I just got up, so those are the only two examples I can think of now, though I am sure others will suggest more (and when I wake up, I should remember more examples).


7 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by agb on May 17, 2017

Sorry after re-reading my post I realise it would be better for me to specify that I am looking for direct action groups as opposed to examples of direct action. For example the Deliveroo strike whilst inspiring, it is more-so the actions of groups like SeaSol as outlined here that I'm currently doing some research into before going ahead with something similar. To clarify further, I mean organisations which help with workers issues on a regular basis. However, thank you for your response, if you can think of anything like that please let me know!

EDIT: However, via the site you mentioned I did manage to stumble onto West London Solidarity Network, cheers!


7 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on May 17, 2017

In that case, SeaSols are the way to go, but also groups that have used SeaSol tactics (like IWW, SolFed etc.).


7 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 17, 2017

Depending on what sort of thing you are talking about exactly I would check out: - Solidarity network archive - accounts of workplace organising efforts

Authored on
May 17, 2017