America First? – Transatlantic conversations on class reality and revolt - London in May, June, July

Submitted by AngryWorkersWorld on May 9, 2017

Invitation to current meetings
America First? – Series of conversations with comrades in the US about current struggles and organising on the ground

The going gets tough, but there is loads of inspiring stuff happening in the US at the moment. Things we want to understand and learn from. From prison organising, fightback against anti-abortionists, strikes for higher minimum wages, resistance against deportations and evictions, to struggles in the rural hinterland.

Over the next year or so, we’ll be hosting a series of meetings with the virtual presence of comrades from the US, talking about different aspects of class struggle and their wider context. Please come along! The first three meetings will be:

Friday, 26th of May, 6pm: Amiri Barksdale (Insurgent Notes) will join us to discuss the historical development of race and class relations in the US.

Friday, 23rd of June, 6pm: Scott Nappalos (IWW), a long-time Wobblie and health worker will talk about rank-and-file organising in precarious jobs.

Sunday, 23rd of July, 6pm: Comrades of Redstockings and Women’s Liberation Movement will tell us about fighting back against state and religious attacks on abortion and the wider social background of reactionary anti-women politics.

Further meetings will be announced as and when – so stay tuned! All meetings will take place at:


88 Fleet Street

London EC4Y 1DH

We will publish short papers and reading lists for each meeting, so that, if they want, participants can prepare a bit for the discussion. We will also publish minutes of the meetings. Check out more info here:


7 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by AngryWorkersWorld on May 19, 2017

We wrote a text for preparation of the upcoming meeting:

Authored on
May 9, 2017