Union des Anarcho-Syndicalistes?

Submitted by Entdinglichung on June 5, 2017

any reliable information about the Union des Anarcho-Syndicalistes (UAS) in France, are they a front or an ally of the Lambertists?


7 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on June 5, 2017



7 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on June 5, 2017



that's my suspicion (despite Hebert saying in interviews that he and Lambert are simply old friends since the 40ies) ... any texts about it?


7 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on June 5, 2017




that's my suspicion (despite Hebert saying in interviews that he and Lambert are simply old friends since the 40ies) ... any texts about it?

I heard about the many years ago from French anarchosyndicalists. Maybe I can find something in my hard copy files they wrote. The way I remember it, he started as a militant, joined, as a number of post -WW2 anarchists the French FO, moved within the FO bureaucracy, became a trade union leader within the French FO and was prone to making anti-Stalinist alliances. I gather in later years there was a close rapport with the Lambertists and thus, appearing, to be aligned with them in some sort of more than casual way.

The Marc Hebert is the son of Alexandre Hebert, kinda a father-son union nepotism. (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandre_Hébert)

A few things in French:

- http://forum.anarchiste.free.fr/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9228

- http://www.liberation.fr/france/1999/10/09/quand-s-affichent-de-vieilles-connivences-trotsko-fachos-le-lambertiste-alexandre-hebert-ancien-diri_285797



7 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on June 5, 2017

Alexandre Hebert was a very dodgy geezer, both for his links with the Lambertists (most likely he was a member with the pseudonym Ernest) but also his equally dubious links with the Front National!!!
The son, Marc Hebert, and his heir to leader of the union central Force Ouvriere in the Nantes region,was a member o the Central committee of the PT,( now the Parti Ouvrier Indepenent, which has an "anarcho-syndicalist" current within it!) the Lambertist formation (pseudonym Krieg). Lambert and co infiltrated freemasonry and were/are active in the lodges of the Grand Orient. Alexandre Hebert was also a member of the Grand Orient.All very murky. Murkier still if one considers the origins of FO

Authored on
June 5, 2017