UK/US series - Meeting in London - 23rd of June

Submitted by AngryWorkersWorld on June 15, 2017

Dear friends,

Over the next year or so, we’ll be hosting a series of meetings with the virtual presence of comrades from the US, talking about different aspects of class struggle and their wider context. Please come along! The next two meetings will be:

Friday, 23rd of June, 6pm: Scott Nappalos (IWW), a long-time Wobblie and health worker will talk about rank-and-file organising in precarious jobs.

Sunday, 23rd of July, 6pm: Comrades of Redstockings and Women’s Liberation Movement will tell us about fighting back against state and religious attacks on abortion and the wider social background of reactionary anti-women politics.

Further meetings will be announced as and when – so stay tuned! All meetings will take place at:

88 Fleet Street
London EC4Y 1DH

Minutes of the first meeting will be published shortly. We wrote a background text for the next meeting on low-wage organising, if you want to get up to speed:

We also asked Amiri for a written version of his talk:


Looking forward to seeing you…

Some AngryWorkers

[email protected]


7 years ago

In reply to by

Submitted by AngryWorkersWorld on June 21, 2017

Dear all,

we put notes from the first meeting online:

hope to see you this Friday, 6pm at MayDay Rooms...

rock on...


Authored on
June 15, 2017