Marxism and anarchism

Submitted by Rob Ray on June 23, 2017

Hey all, so Freedom bookshop is looking to expand its section on Anarchism and Marxism, so I was wondering does anyone here have any recommendations for what to include? It'd make for a handy reading list as well.


7 years ago

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Submitted by Sike on June 24, 2017

Daniel Guerin, Libertarian Marxism?

A short text written by Guerin in 1969 that begins with the impact that the Paris Commune and Bakunin's Commune related critiques of Marxism had on the ideas of Marx with particular emphasis on Marx's 1871 address to the General Council of the International, The Civil War In France, which many anarchists consider to be Marx's "most anarchist" statement and in general a validation of anarchist thought. Guerin concludes the text with a proposal for a synthesis of Marxism and Anarchism which Guerin refers to as "Libertarian Marxism".

Authored on
June 23, 2017