//UNTER PALMEN Magazine - An introduction

Submitted by unterpalmen on November 19, 2017


We are //UNTER PALMEN, a magazine based in vienna. Our goal is to reach people, who never got involved with left-radical theory before and/or who are somehow left-winged, but don't have a radical critique of society as it is right now yet. We try to write our articles in an easy-to-understand-way and try to give introduction in left-radical theory. Our focus is on young people. Until now we released two issues, the first about nationalism and the second about feminism. The second issue got now translated in english and the articles are available to read online. We wanted to introduce ourselves and take the chance of the libcom-forum to make the project more public.

Here's our blog: http://unterpalmen.blogsport.eu/ and here's a direct link to the english articles of issue #2: http://unterpalmen.blogsport.eu/ausgabe-2-feminisms-issue-2-feminism/

we also have facebook: facebook.com/UnterPalmenZeitung/ and instagram: https://www.instagram.com/u.p.zeitung/

We would love to hear what you think about the articles and if you spread the word about this project! if you have any questions, just ask. The printed version of issue #2 contains two articles in english, but you will see it in the .pdf-version. If you want printed versions of #1 and #2, write us and we will send it to you. Unfortunately there is no printed version of all the english articles yet.

all the best,


6 years 8 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by unterpalmen on November 19, 2017

Sorry, for the facebook-link, here's a working version: https://www.facebook.com/UnterPalmenZeitung/

Authored on
November 19, 2017