CNT-AIT 8belts Union Section (Madrid) is seeking your help and solidarity.

Submitted by syndicalist on November 21, 2017

Madrid CNT-AIT Needs Solidarity
Twitter Action Wed. Nov. 22, 2017

A member of the CNT-AIT 8belts Union Section (Madrid) is seeking your help and solidarity.

This Wednesday, November 22, 2017 between the hours of 12PM - 2 PM (US East Coast)
a twitter action twill take place against 8Belts boss Anxo Pérez,

The worker writes that 8BELTS, does not respect labor rights. They have not paid the worker per their employment contract of 40 hours per week. The worker is forced to sit at their work station for work and not get paid for it. They are also denied pay for recognized national holidays.

Exploitation by all bosses, including smaller entrepreneurs is equal to making money at the expense of the exploitation of the workers. *

Let the boss at 8belts know that exploitation must end!

Full pay for 40 hour week!

Tweet boss Anxo Perez on Wednesday, November 22, 2017
12PM - 2 PM (US East Coast)


hashtag example:

***** Original text en español:
En 8BELTS, empresa que pertenece a Anxo Pérez, no se respetan los derechos laborales.
Se exige una jornada laboral a la permitida. No se computan las horas trabajadas. Se obliga una permanencia frente al ordenador y no se abonan las horas. NO queremos trabajar a destajo. Ser emprenderdor es igual a ganar dinero a costa de la explotación de las/os trabajadoras/es.

Photos from a recent 8belts CNT-AIT picket:


6 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Dannny on November 21, 2017

Cheers syndicalist. Would be great if libcom could share this on their social media...?


6 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Ed on November 21, 2017

Would be happy to. Is there an English-language post that we could share?


6 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on November 21, 2017

So, basically pulled the above together based on a short text from the Spanish comrade involved
On cell now. Let me see if there's something more I can scrape together.
In the meanwhile, the above text should do

Is there something more specific needed/required to make this happen, Ed?
Please be aware I am technology challenged, but will do the best I can


6 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on November 21, 2017

Wednesdays twitter action called on behalf of the CNT-AIT 8belts union section has been CALLED OFF

After their employer got wind of the international twitter campaign, the boss has given in to most of the worker demands!

More info to follow.