Founding Conference of New Anarchist Organisation, the Anarchist Communist Group

Submitted by Battlescarred on February 20, 2018

Founding Conference of New Anarchist Organisation, the Anarchist Communist Group

On Saturday 17th February, anarchist communist militants met in Leicester to found a new organisation, the Anarchist Communist Group (ACG). Those present adopted  Aims and Principles and a constitution. The preamble to the Aims and Principles reads:

“We are a revolutionary anarchist communist organisation made up of local groups and individuals who seek a complete transformation of society, and the creation of anarchist communism. This will mean the working class overthrowing capitalism, abolishing the State, getting rid of exploitation, hierarchies and oppressions, and halting the destruction of the environment. To contribute to the building of a revolutionary anarchist movement we believe it is important to be organised. We are committed to building an effective national and international organisation that has a collective identity and works towards the common goal of anarchist communism, whilst at the same time working together with other working class organisations and in grass roots campaigns. We do not see ourselves as the leaders of a revolutionary movement but part of a wider movement for revolutionary change. In addition, we strive to base all our current actions on the principles that will be the basis of the future society: mutual aid, solidarity, collective responsibility, individual freedom and autonomy, free association and federalism.”

The discussion document “Potential Activities Of A New Organisation” was discussed and adopted. Initial emphasis would be on agitational literature and activity around Land Justice, housing, workplace organising and solidarity and the NHS. In addition, there was a commitment to street agitation-stickers and posters.

It was decided that the ACG should focus on the campaign against Universal Credit using the Disabled People Against Cuts slogan “Stop It and Scrap It”. Leicester ACG agreed to make and circulate leaflets and stickers in regards to Universal Credit, capable of being locally adapted.

It was also agreed to hold Annual Day Schools. The first of these will be in early November 2018 in London on the subject of “Advancing The Class Struggle: Problems and Issues for the Anarchist Communists”.
It was agreed to bring out a newspaper that will be primarily agitational. The first issue should appear in April of this year. In addition we will be establishing a new website soon. We will also soon be producing a series of pamphlets.

It was agreed to seek affiliation to the International of Anarchist Federations and to attend the forthcoming international conference in Slovenia.

A motion was passed on Anarchist Communist Unity. It reads:

“Whilst recognising the differences between our organisation and others on the libertarian communist spectrum in Britain – Anarchist Federation, Solidarity Federation, Libertarian Socialist Federation, etc. – we should seek to promote where possible: joint solidarity work with comrades facing repression, imprisonment, bad health, either here or in the rest of the world; joint solidarity work over workplace struggles – joint bulletins where possible, joint fundraising and publicity etc.”

The conference was marked by a spirit of enthusiasm and by a business-like approach. We intend making ourselves known through our activities, propaganda and development of theory.

Enquiries about the ACG, membership, etc. should be sent to [email protected]
Visit our blog at:

Serge Forward

7 years ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on February 21, 2018

Cheers Steven. It was all very positive and forward-looking.


7 years ago

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Submitted by Craftwork on February 21, 2018

Perhaps reconsider your symbol:

it resembles that of the Colombian ELN:

Serge Forward

7 years ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on February 21, 2018

Ha ha. And the Sandinistas... and the historic Italian anarchist movement... etc. etc... but then the standard red and black flag is also a bit like the Papua New Guinea state flag, doncha think?

Nice try though ;)

Serge Forward

7 years ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on February 21, 2018

Double post.


7 years ago

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Submitted by Craftwork on February 21, 2018

Also, not sure what the point of IAF is, or why ACG would want to affiliate, if this is the kind of stuff they endorse:

Serge Forward

7 years ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on February 22, 2018

We had this very same discussion about the IAF/IFA a few years back. Unfortunately, I can't find it and it's probably buried somewhere in a thread with a totally unrelated title.

Anyway, what the IAF is not, is a coherent, "clear as crystal, hard as steel" unified party-like organisation. Instead, you should think of it more as a kind of anarchist "United Nations" type structure; a synthesist anarchist club in which you may find groups you'd have agreements with and others you'd disagree with.

So while the ACG might not support politics like those expressed in the above post, there will still be other areas where we can work with the various anarchist groupings in a number of countries.
Also, it should be remembered that the ACG is not looking to work exclusively with IAF member groups. It's our intention to be outward looking.


7 years ago

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Submitted by MT on February 22, 2018

what is the relationship with AF then? can there be AF and ACG in IAF at the same time?

Serge Forward

7 years ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on February 22, 2018

Yes, the structure does allow more than one group in any given territory.


7 years ago

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Submitted by Burgers on February 28, 2018

Good luck with the new organisation I hope it works out well for you all.

On the IAF/IFA while I do think it is a mistake, based on what
Craftwork points to above and the fact being a member of a International could limit the group to other contacts, even if that isn't the idea. I do think the fact that people want to be in, talk to other international groups, does mean the group is looking towards a internationalist perspective and hopefully can push others in a similar direction.

Also I'm possibly doing a talk in Bulgaria in March with some anarchists and will point them to your new website.


7 years ago

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Submitted by Craftwork on February 28, 2018

Serge Forward

Anyway, what the IAF is not, is a coherent, "clear as crystal, hard as steel" unified party-like organisation. Instead, you should think of it more as a kind of anarchist "United Nations" type structure; a synthesist anarchist club in which you may find groups you'd have agreements with and others you'd disagree with.

So while the ACG might not support politics like those expressed in the above post, there will still be other areas where we can work with the various anarchist groupings in a number of countries.
Also, it should be remembered that the ACG is not looking to work exclusively with IAF member groups. It's our intention to be outward looking.

Yeah, but why can't you just work with them without joining? Or why not try to remove those pesky nationalists? I'm sure there are enough internationalists in Britain, France, Italy, etc. to be able to do so.

Serge Forward

7 years ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on March 1, 2018

Again, you misunderstand the nature of the IAF. It's a club with members we agree and disagree with. That's the nature of that international organisation. You also seriously overestimate the power of the newly born ACG to turn it into something else! Not that we're interested in doing anything like that.

Anyway, I mentioned in another thread, we have a new website:


6 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Burgers on April 6, 2018

So what happened to the "Afrin: An Internationalist Position – ACG Statement" thread that Serge posted?


6 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Fozzie on April 6, 2018

Moved here:


6 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Burgers on April 6, 2018



6 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by link on May 15, 2018

