Pizza Toppings

Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on March 10, 2018

My boyfriend likes to make homemade pizza, and he did so a few days ago. In a rare stroke of genius, I suggested he put tater tots on it. It was delicious.

What are some unusual pizza toppings you like?


6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by cactus9 on March 10, 2018

Jalapenos. I mean, not exactly far out but that's as weird as I get.

Homemade pizza is incredible.


6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by boozemonarchy on March 11, 2018

I've added corn to a pizza, pretty good. Also, taco pizza, with refried beans as a 'sauce' was excellent!


6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by boozemonarchy on March 11, 2018

Oh shit, also, I'm a partisan for Hawaiian Pizza as well. Fruit absolutely belongs on pizza. On that note, I remember having a pesto pizza with cherries and it was quite good.


6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on March 11, 2018

Sweet and sour sauce. It's what my mom uses for her homemade pizzas. It's delicious.

jef costello

6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on March 11, 2018

I like a hawaian, don't see why people get funny about it.

I made a raclette one with leftover reblochon and charcuterie, it was too pretty good.


6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Fleur on March 11, 2018

Anchovies and olives . This is a hill I will die on.


6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Sike on March 12, 2018

I'm conservative when it comes to pizza and usually don't care for anything on top of my pizza other then mozzarella, mushrooms, olives and bell peppers. Decades ago I used to live by a pizzeria that served pizza made with pesto sauce and a chicken topping that I thought was really good, and I don't even like chicken.

R Totale

6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on March 13, 2018

Found out the other day that one of my co-workers puts baked beans on his pizza. He's a nice guy and all, but that is definitely something that the actual devil would do.


6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on March 13, 2018

Found out the other day that one of my co-workers puts baked beans on his pizza. He's a nice guy and all, but that is definitely something that the actual devil would do.

I don't know; I like baked beans, I like pizza, why should the twain never meet?


6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Sike on March 15, 2018

R Totale

Found out the other day that one of my co-workers puts baked beans on his pizza. He's a nice guy and all, but that is definitely something that the actual devil would do.

For a time back in the 80s Shakey's Pizza actually offered a 'Mexican Pizza' on their menu and one of the toppings on it was beans, though I can't remember if the beans were baked or refried. My aunt bought one and though it's not something that I would buy (not with all of the other possibilities) it was actually better tasting then one might imagine.


6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by jolasmo on March 15, 2018

When I used to live in York my local pizza place offered what they called a "London Pizza" which consisted of a regular cheese pizza base topped with chips and cheese. I'm (mostly) vegan these days and never came across the London Pizza anywhere else, but it was fucking amazing.



6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Hieronymous on March 18, 2018

I live a half dozen blocks from the Indian consulate in my city. Across the street an Indian restaurant serves my all-time favorite pizza, their Vegetarian. It comes with cheese, spinach curry sauce (a hybrid saag base sauce), cauliflower, eggplant, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, and red onions; also, two kinds of chutney condiments: tamarind and mint. My mouth is watering just writing all that!

Lucky Black Cat

6 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on March 19, 2018

R Totale

Found out the other day that one of my co-workers puts baked beans on his pizza. He's a nice guy and all, but that is definitely something that the actual devil would do.

Nay. The devil would put baked beans and pineapple!

Noah Fence

6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on April 18, 2018

Lucky Black Cat

R Totale

Found out the other day that one of my co-workers puts baked beans on his pizza. He's a nice guy and all, but that is definitely something that the actual devil would do.

Nay. The devil would put baked beans and pineapple!

Heinz actually used to produce a baked bean pizza. It was deeply wrong and failed to reward you with either of the great sensory pleasures of pizza or beans which kinda begs the question, ‘why?’. Obviously the answer is profit but considering it wasn’t in the freezer for very long at all I would assume we failed to buy it, the end result being no profit for them and us being saved the agony of looking at the nasty blue packaging with a revolting picture of the appalling cheesy/beany disc.
Probably the greatest victory for the proletariat of the last two centuries!

Lucky Black Cat

6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on April 19, 2018

Noah Fence

Heinz actually used to produce a baked bean pizza. It was deeply wrong and failed to reward you with either of the great sensory pleasures of pizza or beans which kinda begs the question, ‘why?’. Obviously the answer is profit but considering it wasn’t in the freezer for very long at all I would assume we failed to buy it, the end result being no profit for them and us being saved the agony of looking at the nasty blue packaging with a revolting picture of the appalling cheesy/beany disc.
Probably the greatest victory for the proletariat of the last two centuries!

The system works! I'm an ancap now.

Noah Fence

6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on April 19, 2018

Just to be clear, I’m not proposing ethical shopping, I’m proposing aesthetical shopping, more commonly known as not buying ugly shit!

jef costello

6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on April 19, 2018

I never tried that KFC pizza made of fried chicken. Big regret.


6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Uncreative on April 19, 2018

jef costello

I never tried that KFC pizza made of fried chicken. Big regret.

Could you not just buy yourself a load of KFC and stick it on a pizza?

the button

6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by the button on April 20, 2018


jef costello

I never tried that KFC pizza made of fried chicken. Big regret.

Could you not just buy yourself a load of KFC and stick it on a pizza?

This bad boy had fried chicken for a *base*, with pizza toppings on a bed of fried chicken.


6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Uncreative on April 20, 2018

the button


jef costello

I never tried that KFC pizza made of fried chicken. Big regret.

Could you not just buy yourself a load of KFC and stick it on a pizza?

This bad boy had fried chicken for a *base*, with pizza toppings on a bed of fried chicken.

jef costello

6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on April 20, 2018


the button


jef costello

I never tried that KFC pizza made of fried chicken. Big regret.

Could you not just buy yourself a load of KFC and stick it on a pizza?

This bad boy had fried chicken for a *base*, with pizza toppings on a bed of fried chicken.

Exactly! I was surprised they even had it on offer here. Still, I'll always have the memory of a KFC double down. I normally avoid KFC because their chicken isn't that great.

Incidentally that dominos sausage crust pizza is awful in every way.


6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on April 20, 2018


Lucky Black Cat

6 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on April 22, 2018


the button


jef costello

I never tried that KFC pizza made of fried chicken. Big regret.

Could you not just buy yourself a load of KFC and stick it on a pizza?

This bad boy had fried chicken for a *base*, with pizza toppings on a bed of fried chicken.

Uncreative, I thought you said you had no sense of humor? Yet this is some high quality meme praxis.

Authored on
March 10, 2018