
Submitted by Ivysyn on March 30, 2018

Hey I'd like to apply to get a blog set up, I don't think I ever actually did it.


6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on March 30, 2018

Hey, thanks very much for your interest. Please let us know more information about what sort of topics you plan to write about, how often and please send a sample article to us to [email protected] for us to review. Look forward to finding out more!


6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Ivysyn on March 31, 2018

It would basically just be a libcom extension of my wordpress blog; Rage Against Capital. Ideally every article I post on my site will be posted on this blog which means that I'll post here with the same frequency I do for my wordpress. I post on my wordpress at least every month, or two. I'll shoot an email with a couple articles from my blog.


6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Ivysyn on March 31, 2018

My blog is basically where I write about politics from an Anarcho-syndicalist, Libertarian Communist point of view. There should be a link on my user profile.

I also write for the WSA publication Ideas and Action. In addition to the articles I sent through email I'll post two articles I wrote for it here. The Unemployment Article was published in the Industrial Worker.


6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Ed on March 31, 2018

Hey, we've now set you up with blogging permissions. A couple of us just had a look through your blog and it looks really good! Look forward to hosting your writing on the site!

And obviously if you've got any questions or anything then just drop a comment in here.


6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Ivysyn on April 1, 2018

Thank you very much!

Authored on
March 30, 2018