A newsletter created for the August 2018 national strikes, by Amani Sawari. Copied to clipboard Attachments SBF_Final1.pdf (26.05 MB) Solid Black Fist - #1 Solid Black Fist - #2 Solid Black Fist - #3 Solid Black Fist - #4 Solid Black Fist - #5 Solid Black Fist - #6 Book traversal links for Solid Black Fist - Prison Strike Newsletter Solid Black Fist - #1 Printer-friendly version United States prisons publications Amani Sawari PDF Comments Turns out that the second Turns out that the second issue is 55.9 MB, so not actually possible to add it as an attachment, but you can download issue 2 here.
Turns out that the second Turns out that the second issue is 55.9 MB, so not actually possible to add it as an attachment, but you can download issue 2 here.
Anarchist Black Dragon An archive of Anarchist Black Dragon, a publication produced by the anarchist communist prisoner Carl Harp and others held at Washington State…
Never Dormant on Death Row: Siddique Hasan and Bomani Shakur on Ferguson & movements against police violence A conversation between Lucasville Uprising prisoners Bomani Shakur and Siddique…
Shut Em Down 2021: Jailhouse Lawyers Speak An interview from the Final Straw Radio with Comrade Chux, a member of Jailhouse Lawyers Speak. JLS is an autonomous network of incarcerated…
International Council Correspondence - United Workers Party of America Complete online archive of International Council Correspondence, a council/left communist…
Love & Rage newspaper An archive of Love & Rage, a newspaper during the 1990s by what became the federation of the same name.
Turns out that the second
Turns out that the second issue is 55.9 MB, so not actually possible to add it as an attachment, but you can download issue 2 here.