Deleting blog posts

Submitted by Ivysyn on September 13, 2018

I posted a blog post I'm not very happy with anymore and I'd like to take it down. Does a libcom group person have to do that, or can I do it myself?

Mike Harman

5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Mike Harman on September 13, 2018

Only an admin or editor can do that, but if you post the link here or send it by private message I'll do it. Normally we unpublish rather than actually delete, but either way won't be visible.


5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Ivysyn on September 13, 2018

This is it. I'm fine with either unplublishing or deleting, I just don't like keeping stuff I'm unhappy with up.

Mike Harman

5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Mike Harman on September 14, 2018

Unpublished that one.


5 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Ivysyn on October 24, 2018

Hey guys, could I get the article "state socialist anticommunism" unpublished. Sorry for all the requests to take stuff down, or add revisions. I'm kind of obsessive with making sure my published stuff meets certain standards. Thanks.


5 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Ivysyn on October 24, 2018

I think I'd also like the Peccadilloes of gun control activism article unpublished.


5 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on October 25, 2018

Ivysyn, Doesn't seem good practice to get your existing blog posts that have already been commented on and discussed 'unpublished'. I appreciate your efforts with all of these and you can always correct or add to any points later in the course of discussion. First efforts then don't have to be perfect !

jef costello

5 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on October 25, 2018

I agree with Spikymike, better to leave them up and write a comment explaining what has changed.

Also if you really want them taken down post links as Mike said.


5 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Ivysyn on October 25, 2018

Hmm, alright, I guess I'll leave them up. The main reason why I wanted to take them down is because I feel like I'm not holding myself to some scholarly standard if I put out anything, but my best materiel. I suppose that's not entirely fair though, considering that it's natural to look back on things you have written and feel like they weren't completely up to snuff as your writing skills have improved.

Authored on
September 13, 2018