Office dead time suggestions

Submitted by wojtek on September 13, 2018

What can one do to kill time and ideally be productive whilst doig so? So far I have:

Learn a language or two
Add stuff to libcom
That's it ughhhhh TTTTTTTT

R Totale

5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on September 13, 2018

Writing your own stuff? Other than that, there is a lot of stuff to read.


5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Uncreative on September 13, 2018

Organise ;)

Depending on the set-up, you could do some light exercise? I used to hide in the toilets a couple times a day and do stretches at one job, that was pretty good. If i weren't in a massive open plan hellscape, id have done stuff at my desk too.

Noah Fence

5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on September 13, 2018

Masturbation is strongly recommend on another legendary Libcom thread so you could give that a go?

jef costello

5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on September 13, 2018

At one job I researched / wrote quite a lot of my dissertation and did a blog.

If in doubt go for a walk, I walk quite fast so people always assumed that I am doing something useful. A piece of paper and a pen always gives the impression that you are doing something too.


5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Entdinglichung on September 13, 2018

bubble wrap


5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by jura on September 14, 2018

The possibilities are endless!

– watch documentaries or lectures and listen to podcasts
– translate/subtitle videos
– do translation work, lightweight web- or graphic design if you're so inclined
– start a blog about your boring office job
– print out or scan stuff for comrades (if possible), smuggle out office supplies
– help comrades who are writing articles with doing research on the internet
– become a wikipedia editor and add new libcom-related entries
– do other paid work (data entry, translation, that sort of stuff) and get paid twice for the same time!


5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by cactus9 on September 13, 2018

Make yourself a nice lunch.

But we need parameters. How obvious can you be in this dead time?


5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by cactus9 on September 13, 2018

Although I usually work harder after lunch so be careful you don't accidentally do some work.


5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on September 14, 2018

It's the best job I've ever had in terms of pay and autonomy so don't wanna mess about.


5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on September 14, 2018

Duplicate post


5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Uncreative on September 14, 2018

You could practice drawing, sketching, etc, if you're interested in that sort of thing?

Mike Harman

5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Mike Harman on September 14, 2018

If you use outlook or similar as a work e-mail client, copying and pasting a text into your draft e-mails (or e-mailing it to yourself) allows you to read it while looking like you're checking/writing an e-mail, and easy to click out of that pane to a different e-mail.

Have to decide what your risk tolerance is for work reading your e-mails of course.

Similar possibilities with word documents - won't show up in an e-mail scan, but more obvious on screen.

Both of these, once you've got the text in the first place, don't involve trackable internet activity if that's an issue.

the button

5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by the button on September 14, 2018

Apologies to those who've heard this one before, but my first "proper" job was in a print shop, mostly working in the warehouse, but a bit of cleaning and general labouring. The best advice I ever got for this or any other job was from a more experienced workmate, who said, "Always have a pocketful of dust." The idea being that if you saw the boss coming, you sprinkled your pocketful of dust on the floor and then swept it up.

Words to live by.


5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by jura on September 14, 2018

For me it's "Always have a spreadsheet open" (and make sure you can Alt-Tab to it quickly). People think spreadsheets are serious business.


5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by adri on September 15, 2018

Listen to Chumbawamba's "I wish that they'd sack me" for 8 hours straight.

Lucky Black Cat

5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on September 15, 2018

Write to a prison pen pal

Make some extra cash


5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Fleur on September 16, 2018

Audiobooks. I've got through so many books looking at spreadsheets, making jobs look like they take more time to do than they actually do and generally slacking off (the old wandering purposely around with a piece of paper is a timeless classic.)

Fwiw, new and pretty decent recordings of Capital Vols 1 and 2 were published this year, if you want to tackle the old bearded one at work. Personally the best thing about my last job were all the classics which were on my to read list that I listened to.


5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Sike on September 19, 2018

I would recommend daydreaming, it really helps the time at work to go by more easily. Just don't get so caught up in your daydreams while at work that you begin drooling like I occasionally do or your co-workers will think that your weird.

Authored on
September 13, 2018