'Trade Wars to Military Wars' Manchester Mtg 29th Sept 2018

Submitted by Spikymike on August 21, 2018

This is being organised by the Midlands Discussion Forum (Manchester) our first venture into the murky waters of Manchester and Salford.
The meeting will take place on Saturday the 29th Sept from 1pm to 5pm at the Friends Meeting House (room F18) 6 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS, which is just behind the central library near Manchester Town Hall.
There will be a short introduction that provides an overview of 20th century wars and their underlying economic and social conditions as these changed from the 19th into the 20th century with a reference to the Marxian analysis of the 'formal and real domination of capital', with plenty of time for discussion.
For those not familiar with the MDF this has long provided a friendly space for non-sectarian discussion amongst individuals from both Marxist and anarchist influenced socialists/communists outside of the traditional left. We are small but perfectly formed! All Welcome.


5 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by rat on August 22, 2018

Thanks for this. Have advertised on the ACG Tweeter account.


5 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by jondwhite on August 22, 2018

I'm likely to attend.


5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on September 1, 2018

There is no recommended reading list for this meeting and none is required, but for those of you with time on your hands this short text written before the latest Trump 'deal' with Mexico:
and these 2 longer theoretical texts requiring a bit more concentrated reading;
http://internationalist-perspective.org/IP/ip-archive/ip_42_how-capitalism-changed.html (old site only) and
may or may not be relevant to our discussion?


5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on September 16, 2018

Just a reminder that this meeting is coming up at the end of this month.


5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on September 19, 2018

And whether or not you think any variety of decadence theory is relevant here, this text makes some useful connections between capitalist economic crisis and the current stage of imperialist rivalries;
although the meeting itself will not necessarily follow this course of enquiry.

Serge Forward

5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on September 21, 2018

I've also plugged this on the events page on the ACG website. Apologies as I won't be able to make the meeting though.


5 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Alf on September 25, 2018

We hope to attend the meeting. Here's a short contribution on the question of trade wars:


The link between trade wars and imperialist wars is only touched on in this article and more work needs to be done on this, bearing in mind that there isn't a mechanical link between economic and military rivalries. On current imperialist rivalries, there's this:


Authored on
August 21, 2018