Trespass Journal Announcement & Call for Papers EN / FR / CAT / ES / NL

Submitted by TrespassNetwork on August 15, 2016

EN / FR / CAT / ES / NL


Trespass is an occasionally published journal collecting together reflections on personal experience, essays, papers, conference proceedings, interviews, discussions, letters and other interventions from individual squatters and collectives who are using squatting to promote social change. Trespass is self-managed, open access, and unfunded. It is multidisciplinary and publishes work in different languages.

We aim to provide authors with the possibility to publish in their own language. We consider that linguistic diversity can foster a greater literary quality to the materials being published. Thus, the print version of Trespass will most often contain articles in several languages, but special editions adapted to certain language communities will also be compiled and shared physically at affordable prices.

We aim to publish submissions of peer-reviewed articles and working papers on research topics connected to squatting struggles worldwide. Reviewers for this kind of texts are selected for their knowledge of the subject matter, with a diversity of background preferred. Theory can be written in any kind of format, we encourage authors to develop a diversity of styles to reach readers. Find the submission guidelines here:

On the other hand, the website will be used to spread info about squatting struggles. Our blog and twitter account are open to all formats: communiques; pictures; manifestos; news updates; calls for solidarity; etc. The focus is on facilitating communication between squatters and activists worldwide, and to contribute to the networks that are aligned with squatters, to expand the visibility of their claims and actions.

More information on the reviewing system and the kind of texts we publish in the two sections, namely theory and interventions, are defined in the call for papers: // twitter/trespassnetwork // [email protected]


Trespass est une revue publié de temps à autre qui compile des réflexions sur des expériences personnelles, des essais, des articles, des comptes rendus de conférences, des interviews, des débats, des lettres et d’autres interventions d’individus et de groupes qui utilisent l’usurpation pour promouvoir la transformation sociale. Trespass est auto-géré, ne reçoit pas de financement et permet l’accès libre. C’est une revue multidisciplinaire, qui publie des ouvrages dans plusieurs langues.

Notre objectif est de fournir aux auteurs la possibilité de publier dans leur propre langue. Nous estimons que la diversité linguistique peut favoriser une qualité littéraire superieure aux matériaux qui seront publiés. Ainsi, la version papier de Trespass contiendra souvent des articles dans plusieurs langues. Par contre, des éditions spéciales adaptées à certaines communautés linguistiques seront aussi compilé et partagé physiquement à des prix abordables.

Notre objectif est de publier des articles éxaminés par des pairs sur des thèmes de recherche liés au squattage à travers le monde. Nous sélectionnons les gens qui examinent les articles en fonction de leur connaissance de la matière, en essayant de maintenir une certaine diversité de profils. La théorie peut être rédigée dans n’importe quel format, nous encourageons les auteurs à élaborer des styles qui leur soit propres. Pour plus d'information sur notre ligne éditoriale, voir:

Par ailleurs, notre blog est ouvert à tous les formats: communiqués; photos; manifestes; articles sur l’actualité; appels à la solidarité; etc. L’accent est mis sur la facilitation de la communication entre les squatteurs et les activistes du monde entier, de manière à contribuer aux réseaux qui sont alignés avec les squats, afin d’élargir la visibilité de leurs revendications et de leurs actions.

Pour plus d'infos sur les types de publication que nous souaitons faire : // twitter/trespassnetwork // [email protected]



Trespass és una revista publicada ocasionalment que recopila reflexions sobre experiències personals, assajos, articles, actes de conferències, entrevistes, debats, cartes i altres intervencions de persones i col·lectius que utilitzen la usurpació per promoure el canvi social. Trespass és una revista autogestionada d’accés obert que no rep cap mena de finançament. És multidisciplinària i publica treballs en diferents idiomes.

Volem proporcionar a les persones que ens escriuen la possibilitat de publicar textos en la seva llengua. Considerem que la diversitat lingüística pot fomentar una major qualitat literària dels materials que es publiquen. Per tant, la versió impresa de Trespass consistirà freqüentment en articles en diversos idiomes, però farem també edicions especials adaptades a determinades comunitats lingüístiques, que compartirem físicament a preus assequibles.

Els articles publicats seran revisats per tercers sobre temes de recerca relacionats amb les lluites per l’okupació a través del món. Seleccionem les persones que revisen els articles d’acord amb el seu coneixement de la matèria, intentant mantenir una certa diversitat de perfils. La teoria pot redactar-se en qualsevol tipus de format, animem a qui ens escriguin a desenvolupar una diversitat d’estils per arribar a una major audiència. Més informació sobre la nostre línea editorial ací:

D'altra banda, les entrades del bloc estan obertes a tot tipus de formats: comunicats; imatges; manifestos; notícies; crides a la solidaritat; etc. L’enfocament està en facilitar la comunicació entre okupants i activistes a nivell mundial, i a contribuir a les xarxes que estan alineades amb l’okupació, per ampliar la visibilitat de les seves demandes i accions.

Més informació sobre la mena de materials que volem publicar ací: // twitter/trespassnetwork // [email protected]


Trespass es una revista publicada ocasionalmente que recopila reflexiones sobre experiencias personales, ensayos, artículos, actas de conferencias, entrevistas, debates, cartas y otras intervenciones de personas y colectivos que utilizan la usurpación para promover el cambio social. Trespass es una revista autogestionada, sin financiación, y de acceso abierto. Es multidisciplinaria y publica trabajos en diferentes idiomas.

Queremos proporcionar a quienes escriben la posibilidad de publicar textos en su propio idioma. Consideramos que la diversidad lingüística puede fomentar una mayor calidad literaria de los materiales que se publican. Por lo tanto, la versión impresa de Trespass consistirá frecuentemente en artículos en varios idiomas, pero haremos también ediciones especiales adaptadas a determinadas comunidades lingüísticas, que compartiremos físicamente a precios asequibles.

Publicamos artículos revisados por pares sobre temas de investigación relacionados con las luchas por la okupación a través del mundo. Seleccionamos las personas que revisan los artículos de acuerdo con su conocimiento de la materia, intentando mantener una cierta diversidad de perfiles. La teoría puede redactarse en cualquier tipo de formato, animamos a quienes nos escriban a desarrollar una diversidad de estilos para llegar a una mayor audiencia. Más información sobre nuestra línea editorial aquí:

Por otro lado, las entradas de la bitácora están abiertas a todo tipo de formatos: comunicados; imágenes; manifiestos; noticias; llamamientos a la solidaridad; etc. El enfoque está en facilitar la comunicación entre okupantes y activistas a nivel mundial, y en contribuir a las redes que están alineadas con la okupación, para ampliar la visibilidad de sus demandas y acciones.

Más información sobre el tipo de materiales que queremos publicar aquí: // twitter/trespassnetwork // [email protected]


Trespass wordt uitgegeven in zelfbeheer, is open access, en niet afhankelijk van financieringsbronnen. Het is multidisciplinair en plaatst artikelen in diverse talen.

Trespass is een onregelmatig verschijnend tijdschrift. Het brengt verschillende soorten teksten bij elkaar: reflecties op persoonlijke ervaringen, essays, papers, conferentieverslagen, interviews, discussies, brieven en andere interventies van individuele krakers en collectieven die gebruik maken van kraken om sociale verandering te bevorderen.

Ons doel is het publiceren van extern beoordeelde artikelen en werkdocumenten over onderzoeksonderwerpen die te maken hebben met krakersstrijd waar ook ter wereld. Reviewers worden geselecteerd op basis van hun kennis van het onderwerp, waarbij wij streven naar diversiteit. Wij bieden auteurs de mogelijkheid om te publiceren in hun eigen taal. Wij gaan ervan uit dat linguïstische diversiteit de kwaliteit van het gepubliceerde materiaal ten goede komt. De gedrukte versie van Trespass zal dus meestal artikelen in diverse talen bevatten. Er zullen echter ook speciale nummers uitkomen die in één taal geschreven zijn. Speciale nummers zullen los worden verkocht voor een betaalbare prijs.

Trespass bestaat uit twee onderdelen, theorie en interventies, zoals gedefinieerd in de call for papers: // twitter/trespassnetwork // [email protected]



5 years 7 months ago

In reply to by

Submitted by TrespassNetwork on December 20, 2018

Trespass 3

In this issue, which is online and freely distributed, you’ll find a translation from English to Dutch of a journal article about how a moral panic was generated to enforce the criminalisation of squatting in the Netherlands and a translation to French of a brief text about migration on Idomeni in Greece, near to Macedonia, which was previously published in Trespass 2 in Italian.
As interventions in five languages, we have an analysis of the lack of support to the ZAD in Brittany, plus short pieces about the opening of a new anarchist social centre in the Paris suburbs, community resistance to preserve a park in London, the demolition of a community gym in Athens, an (unsuccessful) eviction threat in Catania, and an eviction in Catalonia. And a report on the resquat of the watertower in Utrecht! There’s plenty more news and analysis on this website.

The language diversity contained in this issue mirrors the commitment we have been putting in towards overcoming the dominance of the English language and creating a journal that goes beyond borders. We’ve also been updating the blog in different languages. HOWEVER as you will no doubt have noticed, this introduction is only in English and we are sorry for that. We can only do so much, and this issue was already very overdue … to translate it into Catalan, Spanish, Dutch and French is too much work.
You’ll notice that this issue we have no peer-reviewed articles, something that leaves us wondering why the journal hasn’t been able to attract more deeper analysis. Of course these pieces take longer to write. Maybe this is something people are not interested in? Yet we hear the conversations around us every day and hope people are motivated to submit for issue 4. Feel free to join in! But then again, recent shitty experiences lead us to clarify that this journal won’t be publishing career-oriented academic texts.
To continue further, the activist / academic divide is an interesting one, since it is not uncommon to violently denounce those professors detached from reality up in their ivory towers parasiting on social movements for their own cultural capital gains, whilst everyone hates the activist who guards their own special shiny truth and tells everyone else they are wrong, normally because they are younger. Although academic debates might be easy to dismiss for those who are alien to it, its dire consequences can be observed in many places, might it be the ZAD of NDDL, the scene in Barcelona, etc. Dissent being silenced by middle class politics.
Academics play a crucial role in this, with progressive bureaucrats eager to write their latest book or phd candidates being paid 3,000 euros a month to study deprivation… What we are seeing is the standard colonial dynamic, which is pretty fucking ironic considering the current academic trend to talk about the commons. Meanwhile, most people actually exist somewhere in the middle of this bullshit dichotomy, engaged in the university as a way to make money but also going on demos, or having a heated discussion about Foucault’s relevance or not for the Arab Spring whilst sitting in a squatted social centre. Besides being involved in local and transnational struggles, we ourselves write academic articles sometimes and see it as part of the struggle (whilst constantly interrogating ourselves as to whether our work is actually useful to movements or not).
Last but not least, we’re still gloriously unconcerned about graphic design and will continue to place our energy on providing quality content. People have offered to make “nicer” issues, but then they flake. Nevertheless, we’ll be happy to get support to improve whatever could be enhanced, just let us know.
Enjoy the issue and submit something for issue 4!

Authored on
August 15, 2016