New Critisticuffs text: “I pay my taxes” – so what?!

Submitted by critisticuffs on March 21, 2019

We have a new text out critiquing wrong ideas held on taxes by those on the left as well as the right:

Some people feel good because they pay their taxes. For a left wing person they may feel that they deserve more NHS, for a right wing person more responsible spending. These arguments often start from the person saying ‘I pay my taxes…’. We say – so what?


5 years 3 months ago

In reply to by

Submitted by Spikymike on March 23, 2019

I previously missed the related linked text 'Critiquing Corbyn...' which together with this is another of critisticuffs usual 'matter of fact' demolishing of the basic economic myths and reformism of Left Labour thinking.

Authored on
March 21, 2019