Seeking info on German anarcho-syndicalist "“Schwarze Schar” (Black Cohort)" (1929)

Submitted by syndicalist on April 7, 2019

Continuing my reading of "New Perspectives on Anarchism, Labour and Syndicalism: The Individual, the National and the Transnational", Edited by David Berry and Constance Bantman. PDF version on Libcom:,_David_Berry,_Constance_Bantman_New_perspectives_on_anarchism,_labour_and_syndicalism__the_individual,_the_national_and_the_transnational.pdf

I,ve come across (in Chapter Four: "Internationalism in the Border Triangle: Alfons Pilarski and Upper Silesian Anarcho-syndicalism during the Interwar Years” by Dieter Nelles ) mention of the
“Schwarze Schar” (Black Cohort). An an ancho-syndicalist ant-fascisty “combat organization”.

“…Pilarski who took the initiative of creating something quite unusual in German anarcho- syndicalism, the so-called ‘Schwarze Schar’ (Black Cohort). This antifascist combat organisation was launched in October 1929 by members of the FAUD), its “particular task” being “to protect proletarian events and to do everything within their power to fight fascism”.24 The novelty of the Schwarze Schar consisted in the black uniforms worn by their members, which led to heated debate within the anarcho-syndicalist movement. The activism of the Schwarze Schar could be seen in much increased propaganda work in Ratibor and the surrounding area.25”

I am wondering if comrade have additional information on them (in any of the roman languages)?


25 Members of the Schwarze Schar dressed in uniforms consisting of black shirts, black berets with cockades, waist belts and shoulder straps including belt buckles. The cockades of the berets were decorated with the antimilitarist symbol of the broken rifle. If not cited otherwise see for the Schwarze Schar: Ulrich Linse, “Die „Schwarzen Scharen’—eine antifaschistische Kampforganisation deutscher Anarchisten,” Archiv für die Geschichte des Widerstands und der Arbeit 9 (1989): 47–66; Ulrich Linse, “Militante Abwehr gegen den Nationalsozialismus 1929–
1933. Schwarze Scharen’ und Kampfgemeinschaften gegen Reaktion und Faschismus,” manuscript 1991. The Schwarze Schar also paid particular attention to the fight against the anti-abortion laws. In a spectacular trial in 1930, the FAUD activist Albrecht had been condemned to a three-year prison sentence for performing more than 100 illegal abortions. Cf. Dieter Nelles, “Anarcho- syndicalism and the Sexual Reform Movement in the Weimar Republic,” IISG Research Papers 40, Free Love and the Labour Movement (Papers presented at the workshop Free Love and the Labour Movement, Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, 6–7 October), Amsterdam 2001, 27–32, especially 31.

Black Badger

5 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Black Badger on April 7, 2019

Perhaps reach out to the folks at Kunst und Kampf


5 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by meinberg on April 8, 2019


I am wondering if comrade have additional information on them (in any of the roman languages)?

I only know German accounts but when I was looking if there are translations of those I saw in the Google preview, that there is a multi page account in this book:

"Setting Sights: Histories and Reflections on Community Armed Self-Defense" by scott crow.

If you want to write German comrades not sure that Kunst unf Kampf are the right one... I would try to write, who wrote a book long account of schwarze Scharen...

Kate Sharpley

5 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Kate Sharpley on April 8, 2019

Dear Syndicalist:
"The increasing terror on the streets by the commandos of national socialists led, from 1929 onwards, to the founding of armed self defence groups in a number of cities known as the ‘Schwarze Scharen’ (Black Bands). The Wuppertal anarchosyndicalists too formed a Black Band. They had a number of revolvers as well as a rifle. The Krüschet brothers were members of this formation."
The Krüschet Family in the Resistance (German anarchists against the Nazis) on the KSL site at

Also, Pilarski and the ‘Schwarze Scharen’ get a mention here here (biographies from On the Edge of Life: Memories of An Anarchist 1943-44 by Pawel Lew Marek)

R Totale

5 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on April 8, 2019

Don't suppose anyone knows what/if their logo was?


5 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on April 8, 2019

Big thanks Kate Sharpley and Badger


5 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on April 8, 2019

Big thanks Kate Sharpley, meinberg and Badger

Authored on
April 7, 2019