TOWARDS THE FUTURE INTERNATIONAL - CWO public meeting, London 11/05/19

Submitted by slothjabber on May 9, 2019

From Iran to Mexico, a rising tide of strike actions across the globe shows that class resistance to the horrors of capitalism is still the "spectre that haunts" the capitalist class.

At the same time we are also encouraged by the appearance of new militants attracted to the ideas of Internationalist Communism — the only alternative to the abyss towards which capitalism is dragging the entire planet.

This meeting aims to deepen and extend that communist understanding in the convinced belief that without a clear communist political organisation the international working class will be left without a compass in the tumult ahead.

When: Saturday, 11 May 2019, at 3pm

Where: Calthorpe Arms, 252 Grays Inn Rd, London, WC1X 8JR.


5 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by baboon on May 10, 2019

A late contribution emphasising the historic continuity of the 3rd International within the workers' movement, the strength of its internationalism and some of its difficulties and weaknesses;

Authored on
May 9, 2019