Not registering to vote

Submitted by R Totale on October 16, 2019

I appreciate that this is all very petty symbolic stuff, but as ineffectual gestures go, I slightly prefer not registering at all over voting or spoiling my vote. This time last year, we got the big Household Canvass thing that says you have to fill it in or get fined £1000, I filled it in, I then got a follow-up thing inviting me to register to vote, which didn't seem to have the threat of a fine attached so I ignored it. This time round, we got the same form with the £1000 fine threat, I filled it in, and just got the follow-up thing, but this also says I could be fined £80 for not filling it in. Does anyone know if there's any chance of actually being fined for that, or am I safe to ignore it?


4 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Auld-bod on October 17, 2019

So the choice is between the thrill of being a nonconformist and risking a fine, or choosing invisibility by being lost in the mass of people, who may or may not decide to vote. My choice is anonymity and not inviting unwanted attention. Actions ideally seek positive outcomes - the working class does not need self-inflicted wounds.

Fall Back

4 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Fall Back on October 17, 2019

About 4 people ever, in the entire country have been fined, and they were all ppl who are aggy to electoral staff. You’ve literally got more chance of winning the lottery than getting fined, so don’t sweat it.

But honestly you might as well - if nothing else if you ever need major credit (eg a mortgage), not having recent history of registration can fuck you. And if someone knocks on your door asking you to register, pls do it, bc the poor fucker will likely be being paid by results.

The only good reasons not to are - you desperately want to avoid jury service, or you’re in a situation where anonymity is exceptionally important (eg a survivor of DV with a stalking ex).

Either way tho, just judge it practically - taking an ideological stance either way is meaningless apolitical posturing.

R Totale

4 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on October 17, 2019

Cheers for that - had been thinking that if there was no real practical plus or minus either way then I might as well indulge in the pointless posturing, but I suppose the not being able to get credit thing is a bit more important than the chance to do the whole "telling online surveys that i "Dont know" what pringles are constitutes Heroism" bit.


4 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by sherbu-kteer on October 18, 2019

I thought you guys didn't have compulsory voting? Or is this just about forcing you to register, not actually vote?

Noah Fence

4 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on October 18, 2019

I got my knickers in a twist about this four years ago and phoned up the appropriate officer at the council declaring in no uncertain terms that there was no way I would fill in their stinking form. I also pointed out that as I didn’t understand that I could be fined as it says in the declaration(they provide no information regarding the legislation that creates the imperative), it would actually be fraudulent of me if I signed it.
After listening to my pompous posturings for half an hour, this poor woman finally admitted that they only prosecuted a handful of people per year and she would ensure that I wasn’t one of them.
Of course, when I needed a mortgage my principles went out the window though now I’ve got a five year fixed rate woe betide any fascist agents of the state that try to make me comply with their odious soul destroying bureaucracy. I’ll fight it to the death, I tell you!!!

darren p

4 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by darren p on October 18, 2019


I thought you guys didn't have compulsory voting? Or is this just about forcing you to register, not actually vote?

In the UK you're supposed to be on the voting register if you live in a property. There's no obligation to vote.

Noah Fence

4 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on October 19, 2019

darren p


I thought you guys didn't have compulsory voting? Or is this just about forcing you to register, not actually vote?

In the UK you're supposed to be on the voting register if you live in a property. There's no obligation to vote.

Except in the eyes of a liberal, in which case you’re the spawn of the devil if you don’t vote or you vote Tory.

Authored on
October 16, 2019