Help me expand my list of workplace organizing resources: videos, articles, websites, books, IRL training, etc.

Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on April 14, 2020

So I'm working on a video about workplace organizing for my youtube channel and I want a list of resources to recommend to whoever watches.

Comment with your resource recommendations.

Here's what I have so far:

• Look up your local IWW branch and see if they’re doing Organizer 101 training workshop
• “Weakening the Dam” a workplace organizing guide by the IWW
•’s Workplace Organising guide
• How To Unionize Your Workplace (video by Another Slice)
• Wages So Low You’ll Freak (book by Mike Puddn’head)
• Organizing Work website
• Fighting For Ourselves (book by Solidarity Federation)
• Rusty’s Rules of Order

What's your opinion on whether I should add these resources to the list....?

• "A Troublemaker’s Handbook 2" by Labor Notes (?)
(I read it long ago and remember it had lots of really useful advice, but I also remember there being criticisms I just can't remember what they are.)

• Jane McAlevey, long-time union organizer, her book “No Shortcuts” and/or the videos on her website (?)
(I haven't read her book or had time to watch her videos, yet, but I've heard good things about her. I've also heard criticisms.)

More Questions

• Other resource recommendations?

• I remember hearing that Solidarity Federation does its own Organizer Training workshop, similar (but unique) to the one by the IWW. Is this still the case? (Or was it some other UK group that did this workshop and I'm mixing them up? Is there any group besides the IWW that offers workplace organizer training?)

R Totale

4 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on April 14, 2020

I have to admit I've not read either the Labor Notes or the McAlevey, but maybe add them with a disclaimer?

It's more of a "how to organise strikes once you already have a unionised workplace" guide than a "how to organise" one, but the UCU Branch Solidarity Network put together a good page of strike resources at:

Along similar lines to Organizing Work, there's Notes From Below and New Syndicalist: and although they both have their problems (Notes From Below is more "autonomists for Labour", New Syndicalist is more "anarcho-syndicalists for Labour") looked promising but it's not been updated for years... oh, perhaps the Angry Workers site at, or some of their specific pieces? Reviving the Strike by Joe Burns? The archives of the Workers' Power column and Recomposition? I guess it might be worth breaking it down into a shorter list of essentials for beginners and then some extra more advanced ones?

Lucky Black Cat

4 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on April 15, 2020

Thanks for the suggestions and this

I guess it might be worth breaking it down into a shorter list of essentials for beginners and then some extra more advanced ones?

is a great idea. I don't want to overwhelm people with a huge resource dump and then they end up ignoring the whole list.

I'm not familiar with many of the resources you recommended but I'll add them because I trust your judgement. But I need your help dividing them into beginner, intermediate, and advanced categories (or whatever other categories you think are appropriate).

Here's how I'd divide the list in my OP, and the ones on your list that I'm familiar with.

Essentials for Beginners

• Look up your local IWW branch and see if they’re doing Organizer 101 training workshop
• “Weakening the Dam” a workplace organizing guide by the IWW
•’s Workplace Organising guide
• How To Unionize Your Workplace (video by Another Slice)

Essential before you have your first meeting

• Rusty’s Rules of Order

Still quite beginner friendly but wait until you learn the basics


• Wages So Low You’ll Freak (book by Mike Puddn’head)
• "A Troublemaker’s Handbook 2" by Labor Notes
• Jane McAlevey, long-time union organizer, her book “No Shortcuts” and/or the videos on her website


• Organizing Work
• Angry Workers
• Recomposition

Big picture

• Fighting For Ourselves (book by Solidarity Federation)

How would you categorize the resources you recommended?

R Totale

4 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on April 15, 2020

Lucky Black Cat

Thanks for the suggestions and this

I guess it might be worth breaking it down into a shorter list of essentials for beginners and then some extra more advanced ones?

is a great idea. I don't want to overwhelm people with a huge resource dump and then they end up ignoring the whole list.

I'm not familiar with many of the resources you recommended but I'll add them because I trust your judgement. But I need your help dividing them into beginner, intermediate, and advanced categories (or whatever other categories you think are appropriate).

Here's how I'd divide the list in my OP, and the ones on your list that I'm familiar with.

How would you categorize the resources you recommended?

I guess I'd put them as:

Still quite beginner friendly but wait until you learn the basics

Reviving the Strike

Workers' Power column
New Syndicalist
I guess also list the Labor Notes website as well as their book?

Labour Days
The Slow Down - they actually did a special beginners' episode explaining the basics of what a trade union is, and get bonus points for frequently being very funny, which I can't say about many workplace organising resources.

Big Picture:

Notes From Below

Class Power on Zero Hours

Only really relevant if you're in an organized workplace and going on strike:
UCU Branch Solidarity Network strike resources


4 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Reddebrek on April 16, 2020

For Podcasts Talking shop and its attached site New Syndicalist do a lot of discussion about organising including looking at current campaigns to see what can be learnt from them.

The IWW has several videos on organising projects scattered across their channels, here's the Organising to Win about the Starbucks organising drives.

And a short vid from Chicago Lake Liquors


4 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Sike on April 17, 2020

Labor Law for the Rank and Filer: Building Solidarity While Staying Clear of the Law

Particularly helpful for workplace organizing in the United States. I do believe that the most recent edition was published eight or more years ago so it would undoubtedly be prudent to cross check the information about any specific law contained in the book with a current source of legal information just to be sure that the law hasn't changed since the book was published.

Lucky Black Cat

4 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on April 18, 2020

Thanks so much, everyone! I hope these are put to good use.

Lucky Black Cat

4 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on April 22, 2020

Thanks to R Totale for bringing these resources to my attention on the other thread. Just posting here for convenience

Lucky Black Cat

4 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on May 6, 2020

Found this. Only skimmed it but seems ideal for beginners section, a good overview/intro but too sparse to stand on its own.

R Totale

4 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by R Totale on May 27, 2020

If you're still looking for suggestions, Vice just did "A Step-by-Step Guide to Unionising Your Workplace":

Authored on
April 14, 2020