Teen Vogue reppin anarchism

Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on September 12, 2018

Teen Vogue recently published an introductory article on anarchism, written by an anarchist. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/anarchy-explained-what-it-is-why-pop-culture-loves-it

I'm excited that a mainstream publication geared towards pre-teens and teens has published something positive about anarchism. In terms of the topics covered, it's a good introduction. But I think that for the age of the audience (my friends and I read magazines like that when we were 10-14) it will be over their heads, and should have been written in a more down to Earth, easy to understand way.

The article also links to a libcom post https://libcom.org/history/anarchism-latin-america


4 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by jondwhite on May 6, 2020

Uploaded here https://libcom.org/library/anarchy-what-it-why-pop-culture-loves-it-teen-vogue

Lucky Black Cat

4 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on May 11, 2020


Uploaded here https://libcom.org/library/anarchy-what-it-why-pop-culture-loves-it-teen-vogue

Nice! :)

Authored on
September 12, 2018