Archiving Base/Occupied Times

Submitted by Ed on September 14, 2020

Would anyone be up for archiving The Occupied Times and Base journals? Both had lots of excellent content about struggles in the UK and abroad and it'd be great to have them in the library.

One good way to go about it might be to just upload the PDFs first and then add the individual articles after. Anyone up for helping out?


3 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Fozzie on September 15, 2020

Ah cool I will sort out a top level page for 'em.

ETA - here

R Totale

3 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on September 15, 2020

And it looks like there's two articles tagged with Occupied Times as well - would it be better to change them over to Base, or have two separate tags for the different publication names? Fwiw, I liked the old name better before they changed it to have the same name as Al-Qaeda and that nazi accelerationist teror group, but it's not my magazine I suppose.


3 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Fozzie on September 15, 2020

Best to keep them as different tags I think. I've not got a clue about any of this but I assume the change of name may have reflected a change in people or context etc.


3 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Ed on September 15, 2020


Ah cool I will sort out a top level page for 'em.

ETA - here

Amazing, thanks! (And thanks wojtek for having uploaded the PDFs previously). What would be cool now would be to start uploading the individual articles as child pages for each issue. Fozzie (or anyone else?) up for this?


Best to keep them as different tags I think. I've not got a clue about any of this but I assume the change of name may have reflected a change in people or context etc.

Yeah, they go into this a bit in the first Base Publication editorial. Best to start a separate Occupied Times archive

Authored on
September 14, 2020