Organise! Magazine 93 online and in print

Submitted by little_brother on November 23, 2020


3 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on November 26, 2020

A lively and attractively produced edition with some interesting bits but you have to wonder about some of the 'theoretical' content. For instance I don't know if Ben Fricker-Muller is an AF member but their contribution leans too heavily on the misplaced ideas of Gramsci and borrows heavily from Trotskyist notions of 'transitional demands' together with suggestions that anarchist-communists should include support for some leftist candidates in capitalist state elections. The whole tenner of their contribution in content and language, reminds me a lot of stuff produced by Plan C, who started of with some promise way back, but look where they ended up!

Serge Forward

3 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Serge Forward on November 27, 2020

It looks quite flashy, nicely put together with decent design and nice images. But does anyone in the AF still write for this publication?


3 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by little_brother on December 30, 2020

I did for one... but yes there is more selected work from others than before :)

Authored on
November 23, 2020