New from the Sparrows' Nest

Submitted by little_brother on February 16, 2021

From supporter mailing list of The Sparrows' Nest Library and Archive, Nottingham 15/02/2021:

We just uploaded our latest batch of new items to our Digital Library, a bit delayed, but this one is a hefty addition of 163 new items.

Our first document of the month in 2021 is: Lane, Joseph: An Anti-Statist Communist Manifesto, Cienfuegos Press (1978)

The cover of this pamphlet was designed by our late friend and local comrade Les Prince, who worked with Stuart Christie on many Cienfuegos Press projects. Les sadly passed away in January and is much missed.

We were pleased to support a fundraiser to help set up and curate the Stuart Christie Memorial Archive. If you can, please contribute and/or spread the word!
If you want to see more of Les’ and/or Stuart’s works, we recommend searching for PRINCE, CHRISTIE and CIENFU on our website.

We were also happy to see that LIDIAP (list of digitized anarchist periodicals) has been updated. It is an excellent resource:

Authored on
February 16, 2021