Submitted by ajjohnstone on October 21, 2021

What is planned to happen, a list of events for those who will be attending

R Totale

2 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on October 22, 2021

For those who won't be going to Glasgow, you can find local stuff at:


2 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by ajjohnstone on October 27, 2021

Friday, 5 November, arranged by Fridays for Future Scotland, march at 11am from Kelvingrove Park in the west end of Glasgow to George Square in the city centre.

Greta Thunberg invited Glasgow workers on strike to join the march.


2 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on October 27, 2021

Well these texts are not 'events' but they are very relevant to the current situation and the expectations being generated by both governments and climate campaigners. See here;
and this longer summary and comment on the 6th IPCC report on climate change here:
plus this:


2 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by ajjohnstone on October 28, 2021

All these articles (plus my own organisation's) make excellent points and I think we can agree on the consensus position from Amos of the ICC.

"Capitalism, if it is allowed to continue, can only plunge the world into accelerating “barbarisation”. The only “transition” that can prevent this is the transition to communism, which in turn cannot be the product of appeals to governments, voting for “green” parties or protesting as “concerned citizens”. "

However and what the reality is, that despite such labels #uprootthesystem from the environmentalists, their definition of the "system" and ours diverge quite dramatically.

And to be blunt, our message is not just drowned out by the mainstream NGOs but by the many eco-activists who may be radical and imaginative in their protests and direct action but when it comes to goals, all advocate some version of tamed capitalism or an imaginary invented pre-industrial idyll as an answer.

I simply don't think we are making progress and our message is not being heard because of too many other and louder voices.

A comrade often uses the phrase that pissing on a stone with persistence, patience and perseverance will eventually make a hole in it. The truth of the matter is that we don't have the luxury of time, do we?

I won't be in Glasgow. I know several members of my party will be and I am sure the local Glasgow anarchist group will be visible. If there are going to be a presence by others, wouldn't it be useful for all to meet up some hostelry and over a few friendly pints to talk about a way of orchestrating our voices to make it louder? (If I was in Glasow, the first round would have been mine)


2 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on October 29, 2021

There will be an issue of Jackdaw, the Anarchist Communist Group's agitational newsheet, devoted to COP26. Out soon.


2 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Dyjbas on November 8, 2021

On the day the CWO had a presence at the protests in Glasgow, London, Newcastle, York, Birmingham as well as the Manchester Bookfair. Some pictures HERE.


2 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on November 8, 2021

The ACG's 'Jackdaw' distributed in Glasgow can be viewed online here:


2 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on November 10, 2021

Also this from the CWO's 'Aurora' bulletin distributed during Cop26:


2 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by slothjabber on November 12, 2021


I won't be in Glasgow. I know several members of my party will be and I am sure the local Glasgow anarchist group will be visible. If there are going to be a presence by others, wouldn't it be useful for all to meet up some hostelry and over a few friendly pints to talk about a way of orchestrating our voices to make it louder? (If I was in Glasow, the first round would have been mine)

Sadly, nothing like this occurred on the day (6th that is), or if it did, good luck to those who took part, we weren't aware of anything of the kind. we didn't see the SPGB, or the ACG, SolFed or any other group that we might consider to be 'comrades we have disagreements with' except for the IWW.

Thanks too for seeking to defend the 'red thread' on the SPGB forums Alan. You're right that 'some' CWO members (me at least) do have accounts, but unfortunately I seem to be locked out; at the moment I can read, but not post, so I'm not in a position to defend the CWO, from some people who have seemingly not read a word we've written. We do appreciate your efforts to present us fairly, you've even got honourable mention on our internal discussion forum!


2 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by ajjohnstone on November 12, 2021


2 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by ajjohnstone on November 13, 2021

Been on to our forum moderator and he doesn't know why you can't post. He hasn't blocked you as far as he knows.

He asked the obvious - have you logged in and did the arithmetic to prove you are human.


2 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by slothjabber on November 14, 2021


Been on to our forum moderator and he doesn't know why you can't post. He hasn't blocked you as far as he knows.

He asked the obvious - have you logged in and did the arithmetic to prove you are human.

Not as simple as that, and probably libcom isn't the place to solve the IT issues going on, but thanks for inquiring. My computer has forgotten my password, I can't remember it (it's ages since I manually logged on, and I have about 3,000 passwords for various things) and I can't generate a new password for some reason either. I didn't think it was deliberate at the SPGB end. The main point was to thank you for being reasonable in the discussions on there (as I can't thank you there).


2 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on November 17, 2021


The ACG's 'Jackdaw' distributed in Glasgow can be viewed online here:

700 plus Jackdaw distributed in Glasgow on November 6th.
"Sadly, nothing like this occurred on the day (6th that is), or if it did, good luck to those who took part, we weren't aware of anything of the kind. we didn't see the SPGB, or the ACG, SolFed or any other group that we might consider to be 'comrades we have disagreements with' except for the IWW."
Well, the ACG were there, as can be seen from the above. You just didn't see us, on a demo of 100,000 plus. Hope the above is not a case of one upmanship.


2 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by ajjohnstone on November 18, 2021

On the 6th Glasgow members chose not to leaflet the protest as the rain had turned their leaflets all soggy wet. Disappointing that they didn't possess a Plan B, knowing full well what November can be like in Glasgow.

SPGB members from other parts of the UK didn't begin to arrive until the Sunday to set up at least two stalls that were able to distribute the leaflets.

The SPGB had better success leafletting Manchester, London, Oxford, Sheffield, Bournemouth, and Cardiff.


2 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by slothjabber on November 20, 2021


"Sadly, nothing like this occurred on the day (6th that is), or if it did, good luck to those who took part, we weren't aware of anything of the kind. we didn't see the SPGB, or the ACG, SolFed or any other group that we might consider to be 'comrades we have disagreements with' except for the IWW."
Well, the ACG were there, as can be seen from the above. You just didn't see us, on a demo of 100,000 plus. Hope the above is not a case of one upmanship.

No, not at all. The CWO is hardly in a position to one-up any other groups, we admit that we're a tiny organisation (to quote one of our ex-members "I don't think I'm spilling any party secrets when I say there are less than a million of us"). We're pretty well-disposed to the ACG, even though we obviously have political differences. We still recognise that you're putting forward class politics. We didn't see you, that's all, though on the whole I think we thought it would have been nice if we had. It was indeed a very big demo.


2 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by ajjohnstone on November 21, 2021

If I was a conspiracist, I'd suggest they deliberately chose November for COP26, knowing full well what the weather most likely would be, in the hope that any protests and demonstrations would be washed-out with wind and icy rain.

COP27 and 28 will be in far nicer climates, Egypt and UAE because they are in authoritarian countries where protests are far easier suppressed.

But perhaps I am paranoid


2 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Khawaga on November 25, 2021

COP27 and 28 will be in far nicer climates, Egypt and UAE because they are in authoritarian countries where protests are far easier suppressed.

But perhaps I am paranoid

You're not IMO. Moving intergovernmental summits to authoritarian countries was a lesson they learned with the anti-globalization movement.


2 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on November 26, 2021

In addition to the critical texts I recommended in my post #4 there is this contribution from the USA reinforcing the same basic points but taking inspiration in it's opening from the analysis of both Ellen Meiksins Wood and Robert Brenner, here:


2 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by ajjohnstone on November 26, 2021

Some interesting developments post-Cop26 and no doubt many more to come

For three weeks, the Brazilian government concealed the fact that deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest increased by nearly 22 percent last year, accentuating a trend that threatens to derail efforts to curb global warming. The report by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) based on the data for the year covering August 2020 to July 2021 is dated Oct. 27, but the government did not release it until Thursday, Nov. 18. – AFTER COP26

Canada’s official environment watchdog on Thursday rapped the Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for incoherent and poorly designed efforts to slow climate change. Canada has never met a target to cut emissions of greenhouse gases. Trudeau’s government, in power since 2015, says it will slash emissions by at least 40% by 2030 from 2005 levels, and to make Canada carbon-neutral by 2050.

“Over the past 30 years, Canada has gone from being a climate leader to falling behind other developed countries...,” said Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development Jerry DeMarco.

A report, prepared in response to Biden's Executive Order 14008, recommends adjusting royalty and bonding rates, prioritizing leasing in areas with known resource potential, and avoiding regions where drilling conflicts with conservation, historical and cultural resources, recreation, and wildlife habitat.

“Releasing this completely inadequate report over a long holiday weekend is a shameful attempt to hide the fact that President Biden has no intention of fulfilling his promise to stop oil and gas drilling on our public lands,” said Food & Water Watch policy director Mitch Jones

Authored on
October 21, 2021